Each state has rules about who is eligible for Medicaid and what it covers. Some people qualify for Medicaid, Medicare or both. Find out if you're eligible for Medicaid in Texas.
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Find Service Offices

Locate aging, disability, behavioral health, and intellectual or developmental disabilities service offices near you.
- AAA = Area agency on aging
- ADRC = Aging and disability resource center
- LIDDA = Local intellectual and developmental disability authority
- LMHA = Local mental health authority
Early Childhood Intervention

Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) serves children from birth up to 36 months of age with a developmental delay or disability. To be eligible for ECI services your child must have one of the following:
- Medically diagnosed condition.
- Auditory or visual impairment.
- Developmental delay.
People with IDD

People with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) can choose where to live depending on what they want and which services they qualify for. People with IDD can live in:
- Their own home.
- A group home with other people with IDD.
- An intermediate care facility in their community for individuals with an intellectual disability (ICF/IID) or a related condition.
- A state supported living center.

A child is eligible for treatment through the Children’s Autism Program (CAP) if the child:
- Has a documented diagnosis on the autism spectrum made by a qualified professional.
- Is 3 to 15 years old, with services ending on the child’s 16th birthday.
- Is a Texas resident.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing

The Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services is the center for awareness and education on deaf and hard of hearing issues and services in Texas. This office:
- Helps connect people to resources and services.
- Raises awareness.
- Improves communication access.