Your Rights

Texas Health and Human Services employees champion the rights of those we serve. Our ombudsmen advocate for clients, investigators look into reports of fraud, waste and abuse, and civil rights staff ensure clients receive services and benefits regardless of their race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion and disability.

The Civil Rights Office provides reasonable accommodations, publishes civil rights posters, informs HHS contractors of civil rights responsibilities, and accepts discrimination complaints.

Compact with Texans describes the Texas Health and Human Services Commission's services, principles and the process for filing complaints and requesting information.

Complaint and Incident Intake accepts complaints about the treatment of older people and people with disabilities.

The Fair and Fraud Hearings Department of the Appeals Division receives appeal requests from applicants and clients contesting actions taken regarding various program benefits and services.

Employees of the Office of the Independent Ombudsman for State Supported Living Centers are located in each living center. They respond to concerns about the treatment of living center residents expressed by residents, family members, staff and others.

The primary mission of the Office of Inspector General is to detect, deter and prevent fraud, waste and abuse in health and human services programs and services.

The Office of the Ombudsman helps people when the agency's normal complaint process cannot or does not satisfactorily resolve the issue.

Office of the Long-term Care Ombudsman employees and volunteers advocate for the rights of nursing home and assisted living center residents.