Each state has rules about who is eligible for Medicaid and what it covers. Some people qualify for Medicaid, Medicare or both. Find out if you're eligible for Medicaid in Texas.
Apply for Benefits

Find Service Offices

Locate aging, disability, behavioral health, and intellectual or developmental disabilities service offices near you.
- AAA = Area agency on aging
- ADRC = Aging and disability resource center
- LIDDA = Local intellectual and developmental disability authority
- LMHA = Local mental health authority
Care for People 60 and Older

These services are available if you are 60 or older or care for a person who is older:
- Call 800-252-9240 for AAA services.
- Help also may be available to grandparents who are raising grandchildren.
Long-Term Care

These services could help you continue living in your own home or with family:
- Personal care
- Medical
- Transportation
- Caregiver
Know Your Rights

- Ombudsmen advocate for clients.
- Investigators look into reports of fraud, waste and abuse.
- Civil rights staff help make sure clients receive services and benefits.
Support for Caregivers

Caring for a loved one takes strength. Learn about ways to care for yourself while strengthening the support you provide as a caregiver.
- Care for yourself.
- Prepare for the present and the future.
- Find support.