What Are Blind and Visually Impaired Services?
Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) works with people who are blind and visually impaired to help them reach their independence goals.
What Services Can I Get?
- The Blind Children’s Vocational Discovery and Development Program works with each child and family to create an individualized family service plan tailored to meet the child's needs.
- The Blindness Education, Screening and Treatment Program provides blindness education, vision screenings and urgent eye medical treatment services.
- The Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) program provides home and community-based services to people of all ages who have deafblindness (or have a condition that will result in deafblindness) and another disability. Services available include: adaptive aids; behavioral support; case management; chore services; day activity; dental; dietary; employment; intervener; minor home modifications; nursing; personal attendant; physical therapy; prescriptions; residential; respite; speech, hearing and language; transition assistance; and transportation.
- Independent Living Services works with people who have significant disabilities to maximize their empowerment, independence and productivity through integration and full inclusion into society.
Where Do I Apply?
Call the Office of the Ombudsman at 877-787-8999, select a language and then select Option 3. You also can submit your request online.
For the Blind Children’s Vocational Discovery and Development Program, you can also email BlindChildrensProgram@hhs.texas.gov.
For DBMD, contact the interest list at 877-438-5658. For questions about DBMD, please email: DBMDPolicy@hhs.texas.gov.
For Independent Living Services, contact the Center for Independent Living in your area.
Services Offered by the Texas Workforce Commission
- Business Enterprises of Texas
- Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center
- Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind Program
- Vocational Rehabilitation Program
The Texas Talking Book Program provides free library services for Texans with blindness, visual, physical, or reading disabilities. Registered TBP users may borrow books and magazines in digital audio, Braille and large print.