Safety Alert: Computer use can be easily monitored, and information is difficult to completely delete off the computer. If you are afraid your email, Internet, or computer use might be monitored, use a computer that cannot be monitored and/or contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline:
800-799-SAFE (7233)
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf: 800-787-3224
Text “START” to 88788
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The National Domestic Violence Hotline is answered 24 hours a day by trained advocates prepared for crisis intervention support, safety planning, education, advocacy, and can refer you to local shelters and other resources in Texas.
If you’re in an emergency and need immediate help from the local police department, call 9-1-1.

The Family Violence Program promotes safety, self-sufficiency, and long-term independence of adult and child survivors of family violence and survivors of dating violence. Through a network of trauma-informed service providers, the program provides emergency shelter and supportive services to survivors and their children, educates the public, provides training, and offers prevention support to various organizations across Texas.
All services are provided for free and there is no income verification for eligibility.
Note: If you are a family violence service provider in Texas seeking funding, visit the HHSC Procurement and Contract Services webpage.
What is Family Violence?
Family violence is when one family or household member physically harms or emotionally abuses another family or household member. A spouse or a partner, a man or a woman can experience family violence. Family members, such as children who witness family violence, are also considered victims. Family violence can take different forms such as:
- Physical abuse (hitting or using a weapon).
- Sexual abuse (rape or any unwanted sexual contact).
- Emotional abuse (threats or humiliation).
- Financial abuse (controlling a person’s money without their permission).
Dating violence is when someone is violent or abusive toward their romantic or intimate partner. This type of abuse can happen to youth and adults. Dating violence can also take many forms, such as emotional and verbal abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse.
Services for Survivors of Family Violence
Shelters provide temporary housing and services for male and female adults and children who have experienced family violence. Non-residential support centers provide the same services, but do not have emergency shelter. Services are free. There are no income eligibility requirements.
Supportive services include:
- Temporary 24-hour shelter: State-funded centers provide short-term emergency residence for survivors of family violence 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
- 24-hour hotline: 800-799-SAFE (7233) A telephone number answered 24 hours a day, every day of the year, by trained volunteers and employees who provide survivors of family violence with:
- Immediate intervention through safety planning.
- Understanding and support.
- Information about shelter center services.
- Referrals to other service providers.
- Legal assistance: Services to help people understand and learn about:
- Legal options, rights and advocacy.
- Available support and court accompaniment.
- Assistance in obtaining medical care.
- Emergency transportation.
- Training for and help seeking employment.
- Community education.
- Other services.
Find Help
Centers that Provide Temporary Shelter and Support Services
Visit the Family Violence Program Resources page for a directory of shelters and support services.
If you are experiencing family violence and need help, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline:
Call: 800-799-SAFE (7233) or TDD 800-787-3224
Text: “START” to 88788
The National Domestic Violence Hotline is answered 24 hours a day by trained advocates prepared for crisis intervention support, safety planning, education, advocacy, and can refer you to local shelters and other resources in Texas.
If you are in an emergency and need help right away from the local police department, call 9-1-1.
NOTE: The HHSC Family Violence Program does not provide direct services or crisis response to victims of domestic violence.
For more information, email the HHSC Family Violence Program. HHSC staff strive to respond within two business days.
Filing a Complaint
If you want to file a complaint against an HHS-contracted family violence center, contact the HHS Office of the Ombudsman at 877-787-8999; select a language, and then Option 3. You can also make an online submission here.