What is CDS?
This document was developed under grant CFDA 93.791 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Consumer Directed Services allows people who receive services from Texas Health and Human Services Commission to hire and manage the people who provide their services.
The program is the result of Senate Bill 1586, 76th Texas Legislature, which allows a voucher payment option that empowers people to make personal decisions related to the delivery of personal assistance and respite services within their current home and community-based program.
Provider Communications
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The Texas Health and Human Services Commission contracts with a company called Granicus to provide email updates, called GovDelivery. In accordance with your contract, and contracting rules at 40 Texas Administrative Code §49.302(g), you must subscribe to receive HHSC email updates, using this GovDelivery signup, and select Information Letters, Provider Alerts and the contract program type(s).
When you sign up for email updates, you are giving your information to both HHSC and to Granicus. When HHSC has your information, it is subject to the HHSC privacy policy. When Granicus has your information, it is subject to the Granicus GovDelivery privacy policy.
Program Name | Type of Service |
Community Living Assistance and Support Services | Transportation-habilitation services, respite services, nursing services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, cognitive rehabilitation therapy, Community First Choice personal assistance services/habilitation, employment assistance, supported employment and support consultation |
Consumer Managed Personal Attendant Services | Personal assistance services |
Deaf-Blind with Multiple Disabilities | Transportation-residential habilitation (less than 24 hours), intervener, respite services, CFC personal assistance services/habilitation, supported employment, employment assistance and support consultation |
Home and Community-based Services | Transportation-supported home living, respite services, nursing services, cognitive rehabilitation therapy, CFC personal assistance services/habilitation, supported employment, employment assistance and support consultation |
Primary Home Care, Family Care, Community Attendant Services | Personal assistance services |
Texas Home Living | Day habilitation, respite services, adaptive aids, audiology services, behavioral support, transportation-community support, dental treatment, dietary services, minor home modifications, nursing services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language therapy, CFC personal assistance services/habilitation, supported employment, employment assistance and support consultation |
STAR Health MDCP | Respite, flexible family support, employment assistance and supported employment, and adaptive aids and minor home modifications. |
STAR Kids | Personal care services and CFC personal assistance services/habilitation |
STAR Kids MDCP | Respite services and flexible family support services delivered by an attendant or a nurse, employment assistance, supported employment and support consultation, and adaptive aids and minor home modifications. |
STAR+PLUS | Personal care services and CFC personal assistance services/habilitation |
STAR+PLUS HCBS | Personal assistance services, respite services, nursing services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, cognitive rehabilitation therapy, speech-language therapy, supported employment, employment assistance and support consultation |