Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013


A—2551 Client Notices

Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013


Provide the household with a written explanation of the state time limit(s) for each certified caretaker and/or second parent, using the TF0001, Notice of Case Action.

TIERS provides:

  • initial state time limit information:
    • at application; or
    • when adding a new caretaker or second parent to the household.
  • information about the new state time limit when it changes because of:
    • reapplication; or
    • error.
  • information that a penalty for Choices noncompliance causes ineligibility for a state time limit hardship exemption during the individual's five year freeze-out period at:
    • application; and
    • each complete review.
  • the number of cash assistance months used out of the number allowed at each:
    • complete review; and
    • incomplete review.
  • information that an individual with work registration status of exempt from participation due to time limited severe economic hardship is mandatory for Choices.


A—2552 TIERS Notices Sent to Clients

Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013


TIERS notifies individuals on the TF0001, Notice of Case Action, for the state time limit reasons described in the chart below. When appropriate, the notices include information on hardships available during the freeze-out period.

If TIERS ... then TIERS informs the household ...
  • has no tier set and Choices sends the work history and education information for TIERS to set a tier,
  • indicates the individual's functional literacy level changes the tier, or
  • shows months counted toward the state time limit are before months already counted,
of the state time limits and/or a change in the time limits.
exempts an individual for county hardship at the end of the state time limit, that the individual used the maximum number of TANF months, but will remain on TANF due to county hardship.
disqualifies the individual from TANF, of the new TANF benefit amount and the hardships that are available during the disqualification period.
certifies a member for TANF Level Medicaid (TP 08), of the specific months of transitional Medicaid eligibility and the reporting requirements.
adjusts Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits after adjusting the TANF benefit amount, of the new SNAP amount or the denial of the SNAP case.
removes work registration status of exempt from participation due to time limited severe economic hardship, that the individual is disqualified from TANF because the county is no longer a designated hardship county.
denies the TP 08 EDG at the end of the 12-month period, of the end of transitional Medicaid coverage and to contact the advisor for Medicaid if household members are certified for Medicaid or TANF.