Revision 05-5; Effective October 1, 2005

A—2431 Who Is Not Eligible for OTTANF

Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013


Do not offer OTTANF to a household if any member:

  • is disqualified;
  • is an active TANF individual;
  • has an open PRA noncooperation and fails to demonstrate cooperation within the allowed time period;
  • does not meet citizenship requirements for TANF (see A-2421.1, Citizenship);
  • is a caretaker or second parent who received OTTANF within the previous 12 months;
  • is a caretaker or second parent who did not receive OTTANF in the previous 12 months but now lives with a household that received OTTANF in the previous 12 months and would have been a required member of the household; or
  • is receiving Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA).


  • Consider an individual as being active in TANF if the individual applies for OTTANF during the individual's second noncooperation month.
  • Do not provide OTTANF for months identified as a forfeit month because of noncooperation with the PRA.
  • OTTANF applicants with an open PRA penalty must demonstrate cooperation to be eligible for OTTANF. See A-2100, Personal Responsibility Agreement.

A—2431.1 12-Month Ineligibility Period

Revision 17-3; Effective July 1, 2017


A caretaker or second parent certified for OTTANF is ineligible for TANF, TANF-SP or OTTANF for 12 months. The first month of the 12-month ineligibility period is the grant effective month. When a caretaker and/or second parent of an OTTANF EDG moves to a new household, the individual takes the 12-month ineligibility period status along with the move. Children are only ineligible for the OTTANF grant effective month.

Example 1:

Mary applies for and receives OTTANF for herself and child in December. In June, she marries a man with two children who do not receive TANF. Mary and her husband have a mutual child. The new household is not eligible for TANF or OTTANF until the following December because the ineligibility period follows the caretaker. The household can apply for medical programs.

Anyone who would have been a mandatory member of the TANF group at the time of certification is not eligible for TANF benefits during the 12-month ineligibility period.

Example 2:

Ms. King received OTTANF for herself and her two children with a grant effective date of September 2012. In December 2012, her child Ryan, who was living with his father, moves into her household. Ms. King applies for TANF for Ryan. Because Ryan would have been included in the budget group at the time of certification, he cannot receive OTTANF or TANF until September 2013.

Use the following chart to determine eligibility when minor parents move into or out of an OTTANF or TANF household.

If a minor parent ... and moves ... then the minor parent is ...
received OTTANF on a parent's EDG out and applies for TANF for the minor parent and for the child, eligible for OTTANF or TANF.
received OTTANF as a child in any household in with a parent who receives TANF, eligible for TANF after the OTTANF ineligible month.
received OTTANF as a caretaker in with a parent who receives TANF, eligible for TANF. Note: Contact the IEE/TIERS Technical Help Desk to address the removal of the ineligible date.
receives TANF as a caretaker in with a parent who received OTTANF, ineligible for TANF or OTTANF if the minor parent would have been a required member of the parent's EDG at the time OTTANF was certified.

A—2432 Who Is Not Eligible for One-Time TANF for Relatives

Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022


A household is not eligible for One-Time TANF for Relatives if:

  • the gross income for the household exceeds the income limit;
  • the resources available to the household exceed the resource limit;
  • the applicant and child do not meet the age or relationship requirements; or
  • either the relative or child have already received One-Time TANF for Relatives.

One-Time TANF for Relatives was previously known as the TANF Grandparent Payment and was limited to grandparents. If the relative or a child was in a certified group that received the Grandparent Payment, they are not eligible for One-Time TANF for Relatives.