Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
For One Time Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (OTTANF) Payments:
- Verify the required members attended the workforce orientation.
- Verify the household has lost or will lose transportation due to:
- needed repairs;
- repossession or threat of repossession;
- lack of insurance;
- necessary inspection; or
- driver license.
Verify these conditions if the loss occurred during the application month, two months prior to the application month or the process month. Verify that the household has lost or will lose shelter due to:
- foreclosure;
- eviction; or
- condemnation.
Verify these conditions if the loss occurred during the process month, application month or two months prior to the application month.
- Verify:
- the medical emergency;
- that the medical emergency is temporary;
- that the member (certified or not) is within the required degree of relationship; and
- the member lives in the home.
- Verify:
- parental relationship; and
- loss of financial support from the legal parent or stepparent.
- Verify:
- proof of graduation or certificate of completion from a college, university, junior college or technical training school.
- that the person received TANF benefits in Texas.
- TANF benefits have been cancelled prior to certifying the OTTANF EDG.
For One-Time TANF for Relatives verify:
- the age of the relative;
- relationship;
- that the relative is a caretaker or payee (or spouse of a caretaker or payee) of a related dependent child certified for TANF, and the parent of the child is not in the home;
- that the family has gross income less than or equal to 200% of the FPL; and
- that the family resources are less than or equal to TANF resource limits.
Related Policy
Limits, A-1220
Switching from TANF to OTTANF, A-2451.3
Questionable Information, C-920
Providing Verification, C-930