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    The Global Child Outcomes module is designed to help ECI service providers: Understand the three global child outcomes Assess children for functional skills associated with each outcome Accurately assign and document ratings for each outcome

    Topics: Assistive Services Providers, Licensing and Credentialing, Children

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    This module was designed to help ECI program personnel: Understand their role in the Family Cost Share (FCS) system, Know the legal requirements for implementing FCS, Be sensitive and culturally competent in financial discussions with families, Accurately complete FCS calculations and forms, and Review the FCS Agreement and adjust a family’s maximum charge, as appropriate.

    Topics: Assistive Services Providers, Licensing and Credentialing, Children

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    Information about upcoming and previous ECI webinars.

    Topics: Assistive Services Providers, Children

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    Texas Early Childhood Education Program Compliance Guide ddresses requirements of the ECI program that apply to all Texas contractors that receive IDEA, Part C funds and provide early childhood intervention services.

    Topics: Assistive Services Providers, Children

19 items found.