ECI Compliance Guide

Introduction to the Guide

This compliance guide addresses requirements of the ECI program that apply to all Texas contractors that receive IDEA, Part C funds and provide early childhood intervention services. The purpose of this compliance guide is to provide a list of authorities by topic in a useful format. Administrators must comply with IDEA, the Code of Federal Regulations, the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, and other authorities. The Compliance Guide is a support for understanding your requirements, rights and duties as a contractor under federal statutes, regulations and the relevant portions of the Texas Administrative Code.

The guide also references related regulations, Medicaid requirements, data entry requirements, and required forms. For standardized and required elements forms, see the HHS ECI Provider Forms page. You will find the links to each specific form on that page.

This guide does not cover all state and federal requirements, nor does it cover local regulations. Please be aware that there are additional regulations that you must follow, including those for funding sources such as private insurance. State, federal and other requirements may change after the publication of this guide. HHS ECI will update the guide as needed, but the updates may not keep pace with the changes. You are responsible for keeping up-to-date on any changes to the requirements. This guide is part of a broader group of technical assistance materials provided by HHS ECI to promote compliance and performance.

How to Use This Guide

Throughout this guide, the word "you" means the administrator, program director or supervisor of ECI services.

Note that live links to federal statutes and regulations go to the most specific portion of the citation possible, depending on the specificity of the coding of the citation on the original page. In cases of a citation that is more specific than the link it connects to, be sure to scroll down on the link page and find the specific requirement that is cited. In a few cases, the link may move to the citation table of contents first before moving to the specific cited requirement.

A. General Rules

Federal Statutes

United States Code, Title 20, Chapter 33: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 
20 USC §§1431-1444: Subchapter III – Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
§1401(1) Assistive technology device
§1401(2) Assistive technology service
§1401(3) Child with a disability
§1401(16) Infant or toddler with a disability
§1401(23) Parent
§1401(36) Ward of the State
§1431 Findings and Policy
§1432 Definitions
§1435 Requirements for statewide system.

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 303: Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. 
§303.1 Purpose of the early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities. 
§303.2 Eligible recipients of an award and applicability of this part. 
§303.3 Applicable regulations. 
§303.7 Consent. 
§303.11 Early intervention service program. 
§303.12 Early intervention service provider. 
§303.18 Include; including. 
§303.19 Indian; Indian tribe. 
§303.22 Lead agency. 
§303.24 Multidisciplinary. 
§303.25 Native Language. 
§303.27 Parent. 
§303.100 General Authority. 
§303.101 State eligibility—requirements for a grant under this part. 
§303.105 Positive efforts to employ and advance qualified individuals with disabilities. 
§303.110 Minimum components of a statewide system. 
§303.120 Lead agency role in supervision, monitoring, funding, interagency coordination, and other responsibilities. 
§303.121 Policy for contracting or otherwise arranging for services. 
§303.124 Data collection. 
§303.125 State interagency coordinating council. 
§303.200 State application and assurances. 
§300.201 Designation of lead agency. 
§303.202 Certification regarding financial responsibility. 
§303.203 Statewide system and description of services. 
§303.205 Description of use of funds. 
§303.222 Payor of last resort. 
§303.227 Traditionally underserved groups. 
§303.300 General. 
§303.400 General responsibility of lead agency for procedural safeguards. 
§303.403 Definitions. 
§303.500 Use of funds, payor of last resort, and system of payments. 
§303.501 Permissive use of funds by the lead agency. 
§303.510 Payor of last resort. 
§303.600 Establishment of Council. 
§303.700 State monitoring and enforcement. 
§303.701 State performance plans and data collection. 
§303.702 State use of targets and reporting. 
§303.720 Data requirements—general. 
§303.721 Annual report of children served—report requirement. 
§303.724 Annual report of children served—other responsibilities of the lead agency.

State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter A: General Rules
§350.101 Purpose
§350.103 Definitions
§350.105 Safety Regulations. 
§350.107 Health Standards for Early Childhood Intervention Services.

Contract Requirements

Section XI: Contract Supplemental Conditions 
Attachment A: Statement of Work 
Attachment B: ECI Program Service Area 
Attachment C: Payment for Services

Required Forms

B. Procedural Safeguards and Due Process Procedures

Federal Statutes

United States Code, Title 20, Chapter 33: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
20 USC §§1431-1444: Subchapter III – Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
§1439 Procedural safeguards.

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 99: Family Education Rights and Privacy
§99.22 What minimum requirements exist for the conduct of a hearing?

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 303: Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. 
§303.7 Consent. 
§303.25 Native language. 
§303.27 Parent. 
§303.29 Personally identifiable information. 
§303.37 Ward of the State. 
§303.123 Procedural safeguards. 
§303.310 Post-referral timeline (45 days). 
§303.320 Screening Procedures. 
§303.322 Determination that a child is not eligible. 
§303.342(e) Procedures for IFSP development, review, and evaluation. 
§303.345(a) Interim IFSPs—provision of services before evaluations and assessments are completed. 
§303.401 Confidentiality and opportunity to examine records. 
§303.402 Confidentiality. 
§303.403 Definitions. 
§303.404 Notice to parents. 
§303.405 Access rights. 
§303.406 Record of access. 
§303.407 Records on more than one child. 
§303.408 List of types and locations of information. 
§303.409 Fees for records. 
§303.410 Amendment of records at a parent's request. 
§303.411 Opportunity for a hearing. 
§303.412 Result of hearing. 
§303.413 Hearing procedures. 
§303.414 Consent prior to disclosure or use. 
§303.415 Safeguards. 
§303.416 Destruction of information. 
§303.417 Enforcement. 
§303.420 Parental consent and ability to decline services. 
§303.421 Prior written notice and procedural safeguard notice. 
§303.422 Surrogate parents. 
§303.430 State dispute resolution options. 
§303.431 Mediation. 
§303.432 Adoption of State complaint procedures. 
§303.433 Minimum State complaint procedures. 
§303.434 Filing a complaint. 
§303.435 Appointment of an impartial due process hearing officer. 
§303.436 Parent rights in due process hearing proceedings. 
§303.437 Convenience of hearing and timelines. 
§303.438 Civil action. 
§303.520 Policies related to use of public benefits or insurance or private insurance to pay for Part C services
§303.521(b) and (e) System of payments and fees. 
§303.721(c) Annual report of children served—report requirement.

State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter B: Procedural Safeguards and Due Process 
§350.201 Purpose
§350.202 Procedural Safeguards
§350.203 Responsibilities
§350.204 Prior Written Notice
§350.207 Parental Consent
§350.209 Parent Rights in the IFSP Process
§350.211 Parent
§350.213 Surrogate Parents
§350.215 Early Childhood Intervention Procedures for Filing Complaints
§350.217 Procedures for Investigation and Resolution of Complaints
§350.218 Mediation
§350.219 Confidentiality Notice to Parents
§350.221 Access Rights
§350.223 Fees for Records
§350.225 Amendment of Records at Parent's Request
§350.227 Opportunity for a Hearing
§350.229 Minimum Requirements for Conducting a Hearing
§350.231 Results of Hearing
§350.233 Release of Personally Identifiable Information
§350.235 Safeguards
§350.237 Record Retention Period
§350.239 Destruction of Information
§350.241 Release of Records.

Related Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 99: FERPA.

Contract Requirements

DUA Attachment 2--Security and Privacy Initial Inquiry

Attachment A, Section 2. Grantee Requirements, 2.23

Attachment A, Section 5. ECI Services, 5.1, 5.2.14(a), 5.2.19(b)

Attachment A, Section 6. Program General Requirements, 6.1

Attachment C, Section 8. Standards For Program And Financial Management

Attachment G: Texas Health and Human Services Contract Affirmations, #3, #26

Attachment J: Texas HHS Data Use Agreement

Required Forms

C. Staff Qualifications

Federal Statutes

United States Code, Title 20, Chapter 33: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 
20 USC §§1431-1444: Subchapter III – Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
§1435(a) (8) A comprehensive system of personnel development... 
§1435(a) (9) Policies and procedures relating to the establishment and maintenance of qualifications...

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 303: Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. 
§303.12 Early Intervention Service Provider. 
§303.31 Qualified Personnel. 
§303.118 Comprehensive System of Personnel Development. 
§303.119 Personnel Standards.

State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter C: Staff Qualifications
§350.301 Purpose 
§350.303 Definitions
§350.305 Employment Records
§350.307 Personnel Grievances
§350.309 Minimum Requirements for All Directed Service Staff
§350.310 Criminal Background Check. 
§350.311 Licensed Professionals
§350.312 Licensed Practitioner of the Healing Arts (LPHA) 
§350.313 Early Intervention Specialist (EIS)
350.314 EIS Code of Ethics
§350.315 Service Coordinator.

Contract Requirements

Attachment A, Section 2. Grantee Requirements, 2.7, 2.10, 2.21, 2.22

Attachment A, Section 5. ECI Services

Attachment E, Article 9. Miscellaneous Provisions, 9.21

Attachment F, Article II. Grantee’s Personnel, 2.01

Attachment G, #33, #36

Sample Forms

Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP)

D. Case Management for Infants and Toddlers with Developmental Disabilities

Federal Statutes

United States Code, Title 20, Chapter 33: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
20 USC §§1431-1444: Subchapter III – Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
§1436(d) (7) the identification of the service coordinator…

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 303: Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
§303.34 Service coordination services (case management). 
§303.343 IFSP Team meeting and periodic review. 
§303.344(g) Content of an IFSP. 
§303.521(b) System of payments and fees.

State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter D: Case Management for Infants and Toddlers with Developmental Disabilities
§350.403 Definitions
§350.404 Recipient Eligibility for Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Case Management Services
§§350.405 Case Management Services
§350.406 Parent Refusal
§350.407 Medicaid Service Limitations
§350.409 Conditions for Case Management Provider Agency Participation
§350.411 Assignment of Service Coordinator
§350.415 Documentation
§350.417 Due Process.

Related Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 99: FERPA.

Medicaid Requirements

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 1: Provider Enrollment and Responsibilities

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 2: Texas Medicaid Fee-for-Service Reimbursement

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 3: TMHP Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 4: Client Eligibility

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 6: Claims Filing

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 7: Appeals

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Appendix A: State, Federal and TMHP Contact Information

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Appendix D: Acronym Dictionary

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 2: Children's Services Handbook

Section 2: Medicaid Children's Comprehensive Care Program (CCP)

Contract Requirements

Attachment A, Section 5. ECI Services, 5.2.14

Attachment A, Section 10. Respite Services – Scope of Work

Attachment C, Section 2. Payments and Advances, 2.5

Required Forms

Data Entry Requirements

TKIDS Manual:

Use the TKIDS Manual Table of Contents to locate the following sections:

  • Case Management and Targeted Case Management (CM/TCM)

E. Specialized Skills Training

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 303: Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. 
§303.13(b) (14) Special Instruction includes.


State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter E: Specialized Rehabilitative Services
§350.501 Specialized Rehabilitative Services
§350.503 Recipient Eligibility
§350.505 Conditions for Provider Agency Participation
§350.507 Due Process.

Medicaid Requirements

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 1: Provider Enrollment and Responsibilities

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 2: Texas Medicaid Fee-for-Service Reimbursement

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 3: TMHP Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 4: Client Eligibility

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 6: Claims Filing

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 7: Appeals

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Appendix A: State, Federal and TMHP Contact Information

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Appendix D: Acronym Dictionary

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 2: Children's Services Handbook 
Section 2: Medicaid Children's Comprehensive Care Program (CCP) 
Section 6: Claims Resources 
Section 7: Contact TMHP 
Section 9: Claim Form Examples

Contract Requirements

Attachment A, Section 5. ECI Services 5.2.16

Data Entry Requirements

TKIDS Manual:

Search these topics within the TKIDS Manual Table of Contents:

  • Appendix A – TKIDS Data Dictionary
  • Appendix B – Edit, Logical Consistency and Validation Checks
  • Delivered Services
  • Planned Services
  • Required Data Fields Tables

F. Public Outreach

Federal Statutes

United States Code, Title 20, Chapter 33, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 
20 USC §§1431-1444: Subchapter III – Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
§1435(a)(5) In general; A comprehensive child find system… 
§1435(a)(6) In general; A public awareness program focusing on early identification of infants and toddlers with disabilities… 
§1435(a)(7) In general; A central directory that includes information on early intervention services…

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 303: Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. 
§303.110 Minimum Components of a Statewide System. 
§303.115 Comprehensive Child Find System. 
§303.116 Public Awareness Program. 
§303.117 Central Directory.

State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter F: Public Outreach
§350.601 Purpose
§350.605 Definitions
§350.607 Public Outreach
§350.609 Child Find
§350.611 Public Awareness
§350.613 Publications
§350.615 Interagency Coordination
§350.617 Public Outreach Contact, Planning, and Evaluation.

Contract Requirements

Attachment A, Section 2. Grantee Requirements, 2.13

Attachment A, Section 3. Service Delivery Area(s)

Attachment E, Article 9. Miscellaneous Provisions, 9.15

Attachment G, Section 3. Public Information Act

Data Entry Requirements

TKIDS Manual:

Use the TKIDS Manual Table of Contents to locate the following section:

  • Child Referral

G. Referral, Pre-Enrollment and Developmental Screening

Federal Statutes

United States Code, Title 20, Chapter 33: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
20 USC §§1431-1444: Subchapter III – Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
§1435(a)(5) A comprehensive child find system
§1435(a)(6) A public awareness program focusing on early identification of infants and toddlers with disabilities.

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 303: Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. 
§303.206 Referral policies for specific children. 
§303.300 General. 
§303.303 Referral procedures. 
§303.310 Post-referral timeline (45 days). 
§303.320 Screening Procedures. 
§303.420 Parental consent and ability to decline services.

State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter G: Referral, Pre-Enrollment, and Developmental Screening
§350.701 Purpose. 
§350.704 Referral Requirements. 
§350.705 Child Referred before Birth
§350.706 Referrals Received While the Child is in the Hospital
§350.707 Child Referred with an Out-of-State IFSP
§350.708 Pre-Enrollment Activities
§350.709 Optional Developmental Screenings.

Contract Requirements

Attachment A, Section 2. Grantee Requirements, 2.20

Attachment A, Section 2. Grantee Requirements, 2.23

Attachment A, Section 3. Service Delivery Area(s)

Attachment C, Section 4. Reporting Requirements And Inspections

Attachment C, Section 8. Standards for Program and Financial Management, 8.1.3

Data Entry Requirements

TKIDS Manual:

Use the TKIDS Manual Table of Contents to locate the following sections:

  • Child Referral
  • Case Pre-Enrollment/Screening

H. Eligibility, Evaluation and Assessment

Federal Statutes

United States Code, Title 20, Chapter 33: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 
20 USC §§1431-1444: Subchapter III – Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
§1434 Eligibility
§1435(a)(3) A timely, comprehensive, multidisciplinary evaluation…

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 303: Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. 
§303.5 At-risk infant or toddler. 
§303.7 Consent. 
§303.10 Developmental delay. 
§303.21 Infant or toddler with a disability. 
§303.24 Multidisciplinary. 
§303.25 Native language. 
§303.111 State definition of developmental delay. 
§303.113 Evaluation, assessment, and nondiscriminatory procedures. 
§303.300 General. 
§303.310 Post-referral timeline (45 days). 
§303.320 Screening Procedures. 
§303.321 Evaluation of the child and assessment of the child and family. 
§303.322 Determination that a child is not eligible. 
§303.409 Fees for records. 
§303.420 Parental consent and ability to decline services. 
§303.421 Prior written notice and procedural safeguard notice. 
§303.440 Filing a due process complaint. 
§303.445 Hearing decisions. 
§303.521(b) System of payments and fees.

State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter H: Eligibility
§350.801 Purpose
§350.805 Definitions
§350.807 Eligibility
§350.809 Initial Eligibility Criteria
§350.811 Eligibility Determination Based on Medically Diagnosed Condition That Has a High Probability of Resulting in Developmental Delay
§350.813 Determination of Hearing and Auditory Status
§350.815 Determination of Vision Status. 
§350.817 Eligibility Determination Based on Developmental Delay. 
§350.819 Age Adjustment for Children Born Prematurely
§350.821 Qualitative Determination of Developmental Delay
§350.823 Continuing Eligibility Criteria
§350.825 Eligibility Statement
§350.828 Medical Review for ECI Services. 
§350.829 Review of Nutrition Status
§350.831 Assistive Technology
§350.833 Autism Screening
§350.835 Contractor Oversight. 
§350.837 Needs Assessment.

Medicaid Requirements

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 1: Provider Enrollment and Responsibilities

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 2: Texas Medicaid Fee-for-Service Reimbursement

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 3: TMHP Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 4: Client Eligibility

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 6: Claims Filing

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 7: Appeals

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Appendix A: State, Federal and TMHP Contact Information

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Appendix D: Acronym Dictionary

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 2: Children's Services Handbook 
Section 2: Medicaid Children's Comprehensive Care Program (CCP) 
Section 7: Contact TMHP 
Section 9: Claim Form Examples

Contract Requirements

Attachment A, Section 4. Eligible Population

Attachment A, Section 5. ECI Services, 5.2.5, 5.2.8

Attachment C, Section 2. Payments and Advances, 2.5, 2.7

Attachment C, Section 4. Reporting Requirements And Inspections

Data Entry Requirements

TKIDS Manual:

Search these topics within the TKIDS Manual Table of Contents:

  • Evaluation/Assessment

J. Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)

Federal Statutes

United States Code, Title 20, Chapter 33: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
20 USC §§1431-1444: Subchapter III – Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
§1435(a)(8) Requirements for statewide system, A comprehensive system of personnel development… 
§1435(a)(9) Requirements for statewide system, Policies and procedures relating to the establishment and maintenance of qualifications…

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 303: Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. 
§303.7 Consent. 
§303.20 Individualized family service plan. 
§303.24 Multidisciplinary. 
§303.25 Native language. 
§303.114 Individualized family service plan (IFSP). 
§303.126 Early intervention services in natural environments. 
§303.300 General. 
§303.310 Post-referral timeline (45 days). 
§303.340 Individualized family service plan—general. 
§303.342 Procedures for IFSP development, review, and evaluation. 
§303.343 IFSP Team meeting and periodic review. 
§303.344 Content of an IFSP. 
§303.345 Interim IFSPs—provision of services before evaluations and assessments are completed. 
§303.346 Responsibility and accountability. 
§303.409 Fees for records. 
§303.430 State dispute resolution options. 
§303.521(b) System of payments and fees.

State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter J: Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
§350.1001 Purpose
§350.1003 Definitions. 
§350.1004 IFSP Development. 
§350.1007 Interim IFSP
§350.1009 Participants in Initial and Annual Meetings to Evaluate the IFSP Meeting
§350.1015 Content of the IFSP
§350.1016 Planning for Services to be Delivered with the Routine Caregiver
§350.1017 Periodic Reviews. 
§350.1019 Annual Meeting to Evaluate the IFSP.

Contract Requirements

Attachment A, Section 5. ECI Services

Attachment A, Section 6. Program General Requirements

Attachment A, Section 6, 6.5.4

Attachment A, Section 10. Respite Services - Scope Of Work

Data Entry Requirements

TKIDS Manual:

Use the TKIDS Manual Table of Contents to locate the following section:

  • Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)

Required Forms

Required Elements Forms

Required Elements for the IFSP (MS-Word) 
Required Elements for Periodic Review of the IFSP (MS-Word) 
Required Elements for Annual Review of the IFSP (MS-Word) 
Required Elements for IFSP Transition Steps and Transition Services (MS-Word)

K. Service Delivery

Federal Statutes

United States Code, Title 20, Chapter 33: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
20 USC §§1431-1444: Subchapter III – Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
§1436(d)(8) Content of plan, the steps to be taken to support the transition…

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 303: Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities.

§303.13 Early intervention services. 
§303.16 Health services. 
§303.26 Natural environments. 
§303.32 Scientifically based research. 
§303.112 Availability of early intervention services. 
§303.126 Early intervention services in natural environments. 
§303.344 Content of an IFSP. 
§303.345 Interim IFSPs—provision of services before evaluations and assessments are completed. 
§303.346 Responsibility and accountability. 
§303.420 Parental consent and ability to decline services. 
§303.421 Prior written notice and procedural safeguard notice. 
§303.430 State dispute resolution options. 
§303.432 Adoption of state complaint procedures. 
§303.440 Filing a due process complaint. 
§303.445 Hearing decisions.

State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter K: Service Delivery
§350.1101 Purpose. 
§350.1104 Early Childhood Intervention Services Delivery. 
§350.1105 Capacity to Provide Early Childhood Intervention Services
§350.1107 Group Services for Children
§350.1108 State Funded Respite Services
§350.1111 Service Delivery Documentation Requirements.

Medicaid Requirements

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 1: Provider Enrollment and Responsibilities

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 2: Texas Medicaid Fee-for-Service Reimbursement

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 3: TMHP Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 4: Client Eligibility

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 6: Claims Filing

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Section 7: Appeals

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Appendix A: State and Federal Offices Communication Guide

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, Appendix D: Acronym Dictionary

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 1, General Information, Section 6: Claims Filing and Volume 2, Behavioral Health and Case Management Services Handbook, Section 4: Outpatient Mental Health Services, Section 9: Claims Resources 
Section 9: Claims Resources

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 2: Children's Services Handbook 
Section 2: Medicaid Children's Comprehensive Care Program (CCP) 
Section 6: Claims Resources 
Section 7: Contact TMHP 
Section 9: Claim Form Examples

Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual, Volume 2: Medicaid Managed Care Handbook 
Section 1: General Information 
Section 2: Overview of Medicaid Managed Care 
Section 3: STAR Program 
Section 4: STAR Kids Program 
Section 5: STAR+PLUS Program 
Section 6: NorthSTAR Program 
Section 7: STAR Health Program 
Section 11: Other State Health-Care Programs 
Section 12: Contact Information

Contract Requirements

Attachment A, Section 2. Grantee Requirements, 2.23, 2.27

Attachment A, Section 3, Service Delivery Area(s)

Attachment A, Section 5: ECI Services

Attachment A. Section 6. Program General Requirements

Attachment A, Section 7. Therapies Utilization

Attachment A, Section 9. Business Days of Operation

Attachment C, Section 8. Standards For Program And Financial Management, 8.1.3, 8.1.4

Data Entry Requirements

Use the TKIDS Manual Table of Contents to locate the following section:

  • Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)

L. Transition

Federal Statutes

United States Code, Title 20, Chapter 33: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
20 USC §§1431-1444: Subchapter III – Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
§1436(d)(8) Content of plan, the steps to be taken to support the transition of the toddler with a disability to preschool or other appropriate services.

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 303: Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. 
§303.23 Local educational agency. 
§303.36 State educational agency. 
§303.209 Transition to preschool and other programs. 
§303.210 Coordination with Head Start and Early Head Start, early education, and child care programs. 
§303.344(h) Content of an IFSP.

State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter L: Transition
§350.1201 Purpose
§350.1203 Definitions
§350.1205 Transition Education and Information for the Family
§350.1207 Transition Planning
§350.1209 SEA Notification
§350.1211 LEA Notification of Potentially Eligible for Special Education Services
§350.1213 LEA Notification Opt Out
§350.1215 Reporting Late LEA Notifications
§350.1217 LEA Transition Conference
350.1219 Transition to LEA Services
§350.1221 Transition Into the Community.

Related Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 99: FERPA.

Contract Requirements

Attachment A, Section 2. Grantee Requirements, 2.14

Attachment A, Section 5. ECI Services, 5.2.14

Attachment A Section 6. Program General Requirements, 6.5.4

Attachment C, Section 8. Standards for Program and Financial Management, 8.13

Data Entry Requirements

Use the TKIDS Manual Table of Contents to locate the following section:

  • Transition

Required Elements Forms

Required Elements for LEA Notification and Transition Conference (PDF)
Required Elements for IFSP Transition Steps and Transition Services (MS-Word)

M. Child and Family Outcomes

Federal Statutes

United States Code, Title 20, Chapter 33: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
20 USC §§1431-1444: Subchapter III – Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
§1435(a) (14) Requirements for statewide system.

State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter M: Child and Family Outcomes
§350.1301 Purpose
§350.1307 Child Outcomes
§350.1309 Family Outcomes.

Contract Requirements

Attachment A, Section 6. Program General Requirements, 6.5.4

Data Entry Requirements

TKIDS Manual:

Use the TKIDS Manual Table of Contents to locate the following sections:

  • Child Outcomes

N. Family Cost Share System

Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 303: Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities. 
§303.500 Use of funds, payor of last resort, and system of payments. 
§303.510 Payor of last resort. 
§303.520 Policies related to use of public benefits or insurance or private insurance to pay for Part C services. 
§303.521 System of payments and fees.

State Rules

Texas Administrative Code, Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 350, Early Childhood Intervention Services
Subchapter N: Family Cost Share System
§350.1401 Purpose
§350.1405 Definitions
§350.1407 Family Cost Share System Administration
350.1409 Parent Rights Related to the Family Cost Share System
§350.1411 Early Childhood Intervention Services Provided with No Out-of-Pocket Payment from the Parent
§350.1413 IFSP Services Subject to Out of Pocket Payment from the Family
§350.1417 Family Cost Share Agreement
§350.1419 Private Insurance
§350.1421 Insurance Premiums
§350.1423 Co-pays, Co-Insurance, and Deductibles
§350.1425 Public Benefits and Insurance. 
§350.1427 Maximum Charge
§350.1429 Family Size and Adjusted Income
§350.1431 HHSC ECI Sliding Fee Scale
§350.1433 Billing Families for IFSP Services
§350.1435 Suspension of Services for Nonpayment
§350.1437 Extraordinary Circumstances
§350.1439 Program Fiscal and Recordkeeping Policies.

Texas Human Resources Code §117.078 Family Cost Share Provision In Early Childhood Intervention Program.

Related Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 34, Part 99: FERPA.

Contract Requirements

Contract, Section V. Budget

Attachment A, Section 2. Grantee Requirements, 2.11. 2.12, 2.15, 2.16

Attachment C, Section 2. Payments and Advances, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7

Attachment C, Section 8. Standards For Program And Financial Management, 8.1.2, 8.1.4, 8.1.5

Attachment D. Budget

Data Entry Requirements

Use the TKIDS Manual Table of Contents to locate the following section:

  • Family

Required Forms

Required Elements for the Family Cost Share Agreement (PDF)

Required Elements for the Consent to Bill and Release Information (MS-Word)