In accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code Section 464.001, a chemical dependency treatment facility is any facility that offers or claims to offer a planned, structured, and organized treatment program designed to initiate and promote a person's chemical-free status or to maintain the person free of illegal drugs.
Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 464 establishes the state licensing requirements for CDTFs. Under state law, HHSC is responsible for the licensing and regulation of CDTFs in Texas, and the Regulatory Services Division within HHSC carries out these duties.
HHSC adopts rules for CDTFs including establishing standards for:
- Licensing procedures and fees
- License denial, probation, suspension, and revocation
- Facility organization and structure, policies and procedures, and minimum staffing requirements
- Facility services, including the following:
- Service categories the facility may provide
- Client living environment requirements
- Discharge planning and follow-up contact requirements
- Client rights and standards for medication, nutrition, and emergency situations
- Client records
- General physical plant requirements for a facility, including the following:
- Environmental and safety considerations
- Fire protection
- Other conditions to ensure client health and comfort
- Standards necessary to protect the client, including standards required or authorized by federal or state law
- Approval of a facility to treat clients who are referred by the criminal justice system or by a court order for involuntary civil or criminal commitment or detention
- Protection of rights of individuals receiving services from a CDTF, including confidentiality requirements
- Inspection, investigation, and enforcement procedures
CDTFs are not certified to participate in the federal Medicare Program.
Faith-Based Chemical Dependency Treatment Programs
Faith-based chemical dependency treatment programs offer only nonmedical treatment and recovery methods such as prayer, moral guidance, spiritual counseling, and scriptural study and are not required to obtain a CDTF license. Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 464, Subchapter C establishes requirements for exempting faith-based chemical dependency treatment programs from licensure and requires HHSC to establish procedures by rule for registering these faith-based programs.
Faith-Based Program Registration Application
Laws and Rules
Texas Laws
- Health and Safety Code Chapter 161, Subchapter L, Abuse, Neglect, and Unprofessional or Unethical Conduct in Health Care Facilities
- Health and Safety Code Chapter 164, Treatment Facilities Marketing and Admission Practices
- Health and Safety Code Chapter 322, Use of Restraint and Seclusion in Certain Health Care Facilities
- Health and Safety Code Chapter 462, Treatment of Persons with Chemical Dependencies
- Health and Safety Code Chapter 464, Facilities Treating Persons with a Chemical Dependency
Note: On April 30, 2024, HHSC administratively transferred the CDTF rules in Texas Administrative Code Title 25 (25 TAC) Chapter 448 and Chapter 441 to Texas Administrative Code Title 26 (26 TAC), Part 1, Chapter 564. Refer to Figure: 25 TAC Chapter 441 and Chapter 448 (PDF) for a crosswalk of the administratively transferred rules.
Find or Verify a License
- Verify a facility license by searching the Online Licensing System
- Chemical Dependency Treatment Facilities (Excel)
- Faith-Based Chemical Dependency Treatment Facilities (Excel)
An applicant seeking a CDTF license must submit a completed application, license fee, and other applicable documents to HHSC. The Health Facility Licensing Unit will not process an application until after HHSC Accounts Receivable receives and posts the license fee.
Refer to the application or instructions linked in this section for specific requirements.
HHSC must review and approve all required application materials received before issuing a license to an applicant.
In accordance with 26 TAC Section 564.403(f), HHSC maintains an application for six months after the date HHSC receives the application. If an applicant has not demonstrated compliance with all applicable requirements during that time, HHSC denies the application. Applicants must wait six-months after the application denial date to reapply for a license.
An application under Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 464 and Texas Administrative Code Title 26 Chapter 564 is for licensure as a CDTF only, and issuance of a license under those provisions does not satisfy any other applicable requirement for licensure or other form of authorization.
Initial Licensure Application and Checklist
- Form 3207, Chemical Dependency Treatment Facility License Application
- Form 3208, Chemical Dependency Treatment Facility Licensure Application Checklist for Initial Applicants
Required General Environment Documents – Residential and Outpatient Facilities
- Completed Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) checklist. Include reasonable timeframes and corrective action plans to address identified deficiencies, if applicable (26 TAC Section 564.505).
- Copy of Certificate of Occupancy from the local authority that reflects the current use by the occupant or documentation that the locality does not issue occupancy certificates (26 TAC Section 564.505).
- Co-Location: If the facility's physical location for which you are applying will be shared with non-substance use disorder treatment programs or services, please review the guidance letter GL 22-3003 (PDF).
- Accordingly, please provide a complete listing of any and all non-substance use disorder treatment services or programs provided in the facility location you wish to license.
Additional Required Documents for Residential Facilities
Please email the Substance Use Disorder Compliance Unit or call 512-438-4328 regarding physical plant requirements and pre-licensure inspection information.
Note: Inspections must be current, signed, dated, and free of outstanding corrective actions.
When applying for a CDTF license for a facility with a residential program, the applicant must submit the following documents which indicate approval by the indicated authority:
- Inspection approved by the local certified fire inspector or the State fire marshal (26 TAC Section 564.1202(1)).
- Inspection of the alarm system approved by the fire marshal or an inspector authorized to install and inspect such systems (26 TAC Section 564.1202(2)).
- Kitchen inspection approved by the local health authority or HHSC (26 TAC Section 564.1202(3)).
- Gas pipe pressure test performed and approved by the local gas company or a licensed plumber (26 TAC Section 564.1202(4)).
- Inspection and maintenance of fire extinguishers approved by personnel licensed or certified to perform those duties (26 TAC Section 564.1202(5)).
- Fire alarm installation certificate which reflects installation by agents registered with the State fire marshal (26 TAC Section 564.1206).
- Floor plan indicating total square footage of each room and the number and type of bed(s) (bunk or single) per room in which clients will sleep (26 TAC Section 564.1205).
Additional Required Information for Detoxification Programs
When applying for a CDTF license for a facility with a detoxification program, the applicant must submit the following information:
- Name and license number of Medical Director (26 TAC Section 564.902).
Change in Status Licensure Application
Additional Forms and Documents
- Form 3206, Chemical Dependency Treatment Facility Closure
- Form 3214, Chemical Dependency Treatment Facility Satellite Site Notification
- Form 3256, Chemical Dependency Treatment Facility Variance Request Application
- Form 3259, Chemical Dependency Treatment Facility Court Commitment or Emergency Detention Acceptance Application
- ADA Checklist
- Complaint Poster (PDF in English)
- Complaint Poster (PDF in Spanish)
Substance Use Disorder Compliance Forms
Complaint and Incident Submission Information
- Incidents Submission Portal for Health Care Regulation Providers
- File a Complaint Against a Health Facility or Health Care Regulation Representative
Inspection Components
HHSC conducts health compliance on-site inspections to determine compliance with the provisions of the Health and Safety Code and associated rules listed in the Laws and Rules section of this page. During the inspection, HHSC staff generally perform the following activities:
- Conduct an entrance and an exit conference with applicable facility personnel
- Explain the inspection process and answer questions
- Review clinical records
- Review facility and personnel records
- Review facility policies and procedures
- Review quality assurance activities
- Interview staff
- Tour facility
- Ensure ADA compliance
- Facility tour
- Ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Assess the facility's compliance with applicable statutes and rules
- Discuss final inspection findings with applicable facility personnel
Enforcement Administrative Penalties Matrices
Enforcement Actions
Human Trafficking Resources
Contact Information
Health Care Regulation Contact Information
For Health Care Regulation contact information, visit our Contact Us page.
Health Care Facility Enforcement
Phone: 512-438-5439
Fax: 512-438-3697
Mailing Address:
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Regulatory Services Division
Health Care Facility Enforcement, MC 1866
P.O. Box 149347
Austin, TX 78714-9347
Open Records Requests
Texas Health and Human Services is committed to providing full access to public information. Open Records Policy and Procedures has information on how to submit an open records request.