Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
The Grandparent Payment System (GPS) archives historical Grandparent Payments issued before EDGs converted into TIERS.
C—851 Sign-On Screen
Revision 10-4; Effective October 1, 2010
Users request access to the GPS application by:
- registering on the Health and Human Services (HHS) Enterprise Portal, then
- requesting access to the GPS application in the HHS Enterprise Portal.
Users must register and have access to the HHS Enterprise Portal before access to the GPS application is requested and granted.
First-time portal users must register on the HHS Enterprise Portal at and follow prompts to receive log-in credentials.
Returning portal users do not have to register again. Every 90 days, the user's HHS Enterprise Portal password expires and a prompt will appear to change it.
C—851.1 GPS Application Access
Revision 10-4; Effective October 1, 2010
Once in the HHS Enterprise Portal, users must request access to the GPS application by clicking on the Request Application Access tab at the top of the page. Select GPS Account from dropdown list of applications. A request is sent to the user's supervisor for approval and is automatically forwarded to the regional security officer for final approval. An email notification is sent to the user when the request is approved.
After permission to access the GPS application is granted, a tab labeled GPS appears on the HHS Enterprise Portal home page when the user is logged in. A message indicating Sign-On Successful appears on the GPS home page after the user clicks on the GPS tab.
C—852 GPS Inquiry Screen
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
This screen allows a search by case or by person. To search by case, enter the case number and click on Search by Case. To search by person, enter the person’s client number, name or SSN and click on Search by Client. When inquiring by name, enter the last name. The first name is optional.
C—852.1 Case Inquiry
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
This screen includes the following case information:
- case number;
- case name (last, first );
- address;
- benefit effective date;
- data entry date;
- advisor name;
- advisor BJN; and
- advisor phone number.
There are three other options on the screen: View Case Members, View Case Warrants and Return to Inquiry Results. View Case Members lists household members included in the One-Time Grandparent certified group. View Case Warrants lists warrants and the date issued, including the:
- primary client number (PCN);
- SSN;
- employee number;
- entry date;
- pay date;
- issued by comptroller date;
- warrant number;
- amount; and
- status.
C—852.2 Client Inquiry
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
When searching by client, enter the person’s client number, name or SSN. The Client Inquiry screen displays the person’s:
- primary client number (PCN);
- name;
- DOB;
- SSN;
- sex; and
- case number.
Click on the case number to get the Case Inquiry screen.