Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
All Programs
DataMart provides a series of online reports, accessed through the State Portal. The reports are used as monitoring tools for various case action activities within Texas Works.
Instructions for accessing and using the various reports may found at the following Texas Works Policy page on the Loop:
C—841 DataMart Reports
Revision 19-3; Effective July 1, 2019
Number | The Report … |
DF-001a | Felony Drug Conviction (FDC) Disqualification for SNAP Provides a monthly count of people previously disqualified for an FDC occurring on or after August 22, 1996 who are now receiving SNAP benefits on an approved SNAP EDG. |
DF-001b | EDGs Denied for Parole/Community Supervision Compliance Verification Provides data on SNAP EDGs denied for failure to provide verification of compliance with parole or community supervision. |
DF-001c | SNAP FDC Disqualifications Provides data on the number of people who have a two-year or permanent SNAP disqualification related to FDC. |
DG-001 | Reviews and Recertifications Due by Office Allows managers and appropriate field staff to identify TANF, Texas Works (TW) Medicaid, CHIP and SNAP Redeterminations that are due in a month specified by the user. |
DG-002 | Pending Applications Allows managers and appropriate field staff to identify pending TANF, SNAP, TW Medicaid, CHIP, CHIP perinatal and Healthy Texas Women (HTW) applications on a daily basis. |
DG- 003 | Work In Progress (WIP) Allows managers and appropriate field staff to identify open TANF, SNAP, TW Medicaid, CHIP, CHIP perinatal, and HTW actions on a daily basis. |
DG-004R | Delinquency Analysis Data Report Provides detailed data that is consolidated to aid in the analysis of causal factors contributing to each delinquency. |
DG- 006 | Task List Manager (TLM) Task Aging by Past Due Date Allows managers and appropriate field staff to identify all the tasks that are not closed by the TLM task due date. |
DG-007 | Appointment No Show Gathers all the details for an appointment with a No Show (NS) status to ensure TLM No Show task actions are completed timely. |
DG-008 | Appointment Slots Utilization Allows managers and appropriate field staff to identify all the appointment slots published for a specific office or group of offices using State Portal Scheduler and the number of appointments slots already scheduled for an interview for a selected office and reporting period. |
DG-009 | Tickets/Service Request Status Report Provides a consolidated source for viewing all open Remedy and Project and Portfolio Management Center (PPM) tickets or recently closed PPM tickets. |
DG-010 | Disposition Timeliness Report Assists management to efficiently monitor the timeliness percentage, total dispositions for all applications and redeterminations, timely and untimely dispositions and the number of disposing employees for TANF, SNAP, TW Medicaid, CHIP, CHIP perinatal, and Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) programs. This report will display the timeliness based on the disposition date. Note: This report provides timeliness for redeterminations disposed timely or untimely. Types of Assistance (TOAs) that have a passive renewal will be included if a recertification package is received and processed. |
DG-011 | Review Timeliness Report Assists managers to efficiently monitor the number of delinquent reviews, the age of the delinquent reviews and the percentage of the total caseload that is delinquent for the following three types of assistance in TIERS:
DG-012 | Pending Applications and Redeterminations over 60 Days Assists management to identify and monitor applications and redeterminations pending over 60 days for SNAP, TW Medicaid, CHIP, CHIP perinatal, TANF, and MEPD on a daily basis, and to identify the current employee assigned with pending applications and redeterminations. |
DG-014 | Merge/Separate (M/S) WIP Report Assist management and Data Integrity staff to identify and monitor pending M/S TLM request tasks on a daily basis. |
DG-015 | M/S Timeliness Report Assist management to efficiently monitor the number of completed M/S TLM requests, and the number and percentage of timely completed M/S TLM requests. |
DG-016 | M/S Daily Potential Duplicate Report Provides Data Integrity staff a daily list of potential TIERS duplicate individual IDs created and/or updated on any given day and an individual summary and potential match detailed level reports. |
DG-017 | Office of Eligibility Services (OES) Community Based Organization (CBO) Data Report Assists with statistics for federal reporting on the Community Partner project. The report provides the number of CBO applications and redeterminations:
DG-020 | Community Partner Case Action and Status View Report Case Action Summary report provides CBOs with the ability to track the volume of applications, redeterminations, and changes submitted by their organization. Case Status View Activity report tracks the inquiries completed. |
DG-021 | Request for Review Report Allows managers and appropriate field staff to view the CHIP and CHIP perinatal request for review report by region, status, manager and employees. The report captures the number of requests for review pending, completed, and requests for retro coverage. |
DG-022 | Automated Electronic Reminders Provides the status of the total number of current subscriptions to electronic reminders at the end of each month and provides the number of electronic reminders sent to people for each reminder type. |
DG-038 | EDG-Level Processing for Medicaid Renewals Provides EDG-level information for EDGs completed through the automated Medicaid Renewal Process. |
DG-039 | ACA Periodic Income Check Report Provides EDG-level information for EDGs eligible for the periodic income check. |
DF-040 | Eligibility Performance Report Provides a method for managers to measure productivity at the Employee and Manager Levels; provides daily and monthly statistics for employees and managers; monitors applications, redeterminations, and changes for SNAP, TANF, Texas Works Medical Assistance (including Children's Medicaid, CHIP and CHIP p), MEPD, and State Paid coverage for a selected time period; and presents the average processing time from the file date to date disposed for applications and redeterminations. |
DM-002 | Qualified Hospital/Qualified Entity Presumptive Eligibility Report Provides Community Access Services (CAS) staff with statistical data on Presumptive Eligibility (PE) regarding the number of approved and denied PE determinations. It also provides the number of Medicaid-assisted approved or denied applications. Allows CAS staff to determine if an error should be counted toward a qualified hospital based on the accuracy and timely submission of a PE determination. |
DM-005 | Reasonable Opportunity Report Provides the total number of people receiving a period of reasonable opportunity to provide verification of alien status or citizenship and the number of times a person was given a period of reasonable opportunity to provide verification of alien status or citizenship. |
DM-007 |
HB 839 Reinstatement of Medicaid |
DM-008 | FFCC Ongoing Monitoring Reports Allows management and appropriate staff to track and review various data regarding people who may be eligible for or are currently receiving Former Foster Care Children's (FFCC) Medicaid (TA 82). There are six sub-reports:
DM-011 | TP40 Transition Report Identifies enrollment patterns and transitions between TP 40 and other programs. The DM-011 TP 40 Transition Report also allows staff to review cases when women enrolled in TP 40 do not transition to other coverage and when Alert 824s are not processed timely. |
DM-012 | HB 337 County Jail Reporting Identifies persons suspended, terminated, or reinstated due to county jail confinement or release. |