Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If the living arrangement is in a community setting, deeming of income and resources affect the budget. See Section D-4200, Living Arrangements.
If a person lives in the same household with an ineligible spouse or parent and parent's spouse, if any, the income of the ineligible person(s) may be counted with the income of the person. This countable income of the spouse or parent is said to be "deemed" to the person. Although an ineligible parent's income may be earned income, it is counted as unearned income after being deemed to the person.
If neither a person's spouse nor child is in an institutional setting, deeming from spouse-to-spouse or parent-to-child applies in household situations. Only those residing in the household are considered part of the household for deeming purposes. For the purposes of deeming, the household comprises the eligible person, the spouse and any children of the couple (or either member of the couple), or the eligible child, the parent(s) and other children of the parent(s). See Section D-4210, Deeming, for exceptions to the household situations for deeming.
Deeming only applies in household situations. Unless temporarily absent, only those persons residing in the household are a part of the household for deeming purposes. A person is not a member of the household for deeming purposes if he is absent from home for a period that is not a temporary absence. A temporary absence exists when a person (eligible person or child, or ineligible spouse, parent or child) leaves the household but intends to, and does, return in the same month or the following month. If the absence is temporary, deeming continues to apply. An ineligible spouse or parent who is absent from a deeming household solely because of an active duty military assignment continues to be considered a member of the household for income deeming purposes. If the absent service member's intent to continue living in the household changes, deeming stops beginning with the month following the month in which the intent changed.