Policy Bulletins

This section ensures that the most current policy and procedures are accessible through a single resource. Memoranda containing policy or procedural information is added to this list at the time of distribution and remains available until the information is fully incorporated into the handbook. Email AES_RDS@hhs.texas.gov if a bulletin was removed before full incorporation or for access to older versions.

Release DateBulletin No.Title
12-27-2424-18Update - SNAP Unauthorized Use Replacement Benefits
12-20-2424-17Federal Benefits 2025 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
12-13-2424-16Additional Updates to Asset Verification System
12-27-2424-15Revised - Update - Continuous Eligibility for Medicaid for Children Under 19
11-18-2424-141. Extension of the Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer (MBCC) Certification Period
2. Update - Eligibility for Federal Benefits for Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees (UHPs)
10-04-2424-13Updates to Asset Verification System as Verification

1. TANF Maximum Grant Amounts
2. SNAP Income Limits, Deductions, and Allotments (PDF)

Attachment: SNAP Allotment Chart (PDF)

08-21-2424-11Update - Continuous Eligibility for Medicaid for Children under 19 - Medicare Savings Programs and Supplemental Security Income (PDF)
08-01-2424-10House Bill (H.B.) 12 Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Updates (PDF)
07-31-2424-09Face-to-Face Interview Informing (PDF)
07-18-2424-08Asset Verification System as Verification (PDF)
07-17-2424-07Spousal Impoverishment Dependent Allowance (PDF)
07-01-2424-06CHIP Perinatal (CHIP-P) and Emergency Medicaid during the Pregnancy and 12-Month Postpartum Period
05-03-2424-05Updates to Extending Postpartum Coverage in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
04-17-2424-041. End of SNAP Shelter Cost Flexibility: Change of Address
2. End of SNAP Shelter Cost Flexibility: Returned Mail
3. COVID-19 Update: Interview Requirements
02-23-2424-03End Stage Renal Disease and Medicare Savings Programs
12-15-2323-181. Continuous Eligibility for Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for Children under 19
2. Administrative Renewals Update
12-01-2323-17Federal Benefits 2024 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
07-03-2323-121. SNAP Benefit Issuance Distribution Schedule Update
2. Unverified Income Over the SNAP and TANF Income Limits
3. Change in Dental Contractor for Incurred Medical Expense Processing
03-31-2323-081. COVID-19 Update: Change of Address  (PDF)    
2. COVID-19 Update: Returned Mail (PDF)
03-31-2323-07End of Continuous Medicaid Coverage  (PDF)
1. Maintaining Medicaid Coverage  (PDF)
2. Processing Case Actions for Medical Programs  (PDF)
3. Reasonable Opportunity Period (ROP)  (PDF)
4. Medicaid Buy-In and Medicaid Buy-In for Children Premiums  (PDF)
5. Renewals Initiated Prior to April 1, 2023  (PDF)
6. SNAP Income to Renew Medicaid (PDF)
03-31-2323-06COVID-19 Update: COVID-19 Assistance Payments (PDF)
02-01-2323-021. COVID-19 Update: Additional Emergency Allotment Supplement (PDF)         
2. Mileage Rate Increase (PDF)
01-03-2323-011. COVID-19 Update: Additional Emergency Allotment Supplement (PDF)         
2. COVID-19 Update: Additional Emergency Allotment Supplements Ending (PDF)         
3. COVID-19 Update: Extended Supplemental Nutrition (PDF)
12-02-2222-21Federal Benefits 2023 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) (PDF)
11-17-2222-191. Electronic Benefit Transfer Card Processing Primary Cardholder Updates (PDF)         
2. COVID-19 Update: Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) for Summer 2022 (PDF)
11-08-2222-181. COVID-19 Update: Change of Address During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) and the PHE Unwinding Period (PDF)         
2. COVID-19 Update: Returned Mail During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) and the PHE Unwinding Period (PDF)         
3. Residence Verification Requirements for Former Foster Care Children (PDF)
09-02-2222-151. TANF Maximum Grant Amounts (PDF)         
2. SNAP Income Limits Deductions and Allotments (PDF)         
3. SNAP-CAP Allotments (PDF)         
4. COVID-19 Update: Additional Emergency Allotment Supplement (PDF)         
5. Accessing The Work Number (TWN) Data Through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Federal Data (PDF)         
6. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) Provider Determinations (PDF)         
7. COVID-19 Update: Extended Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Certification Periods (PDF)         

Attachment: SNAP Allotment Chart (PDF) (PDF)
08-04-2222-14Eligibility for Federal Benefits for Ukrainian Humanitarian (PDF)         
Parolees (UHPs) (PDF)
01-03-2222-011. Updates to Managed Care Organizations (MCO) Preferred Method of Contact (PDF)         
2. SNAP-CAP Allotment Adjustment (PDF)         
3. COVID-19 Update: Additional Emergency Allotment Supplemental (PDF)