Admission to the Medical Laboratory Science program is competitive and limited to four students per year. The program accepts applications through Dec. 1. Interviews will be held in January. The program start date is Aug. 15. Early application is encouraged.
Prerequisite College Course Work
- To be considered for admission into the Austin State Hospital Medical Laboratory Science program, prospective students must have completed the following coursework with a grade of "C-" or higher before starting the program:16 (24 quarter) hours of biology which must include one semester of:
- Microbiology
- Immunology
- Human Anatomy and/or Physiology
- Genetics and/or Molecular Biology
- 16 (24 quarter) hours of chemistry with one semester in organic or biochemistry
- Statistics or Biostatics
Applicants are considered for admission based on the following
- Currently enrolled in an MLS degree from an affiliated university (3+1) OR baccalaureate degree (4+1).
- All pre-requisite coursework must be completed by the end of the spring semester.
- All foreign degrees must be evaluated prior to submission. See "Admissions Instructions" document for a list of providers.
- Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Overall grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
- Science GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
- A grade of "C-" or higher on the required academic courses.
- Essay written according to the formatting requirements provided.
- Submission of a current resume.
- Two completed reference forms
- Personal interview.
- Must have a social security number prior to Aug. 15.
- Complete List of Admission Requirements
Please print out the Instructions for Completing the MLS Application (PDF). Review and follow the instructions carefully.
- Points will be deducted from the rating score for failure to follow instructions.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered for admission.
- Transcripts are required from each institution attended and must be sent electronically. If your academic institution cannot send electronic transcripts, please have them mailed to:
Austin State Hospital
Attention: Medical Laboratory Science Program
4110 Guadalupe St., Bldg. 635
Austin, TX 78751
The minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) for admission is 3.0 at the time of application.
Application Packet - Instructions
The following forms must be completed and saved as separate documents:
- ASH MLS Program Application (PDF)
- State of Texas Application (PDF)
- GPA Calculator (Excel). Please print out the instructions on the first tab of the "ASH MLS GPA Calculator." Review the instructions carefully prior to completing the form. Failure to follow the instructions will result in rejection of the form.
- Reference Form, Revised 2023 (PDF) – Two professional references are required.
Attach each document to one email except for reference forms. References must send the completed form from their work email address. Email the documents to the ASHMLS Program inbox.
Interview and Admission Process
The top twelve (12) qualified students with complete application packets who have met the minimum GPA requirements will be invited for an interview. Interviews are held during the second week of January. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance status within two weeks following completion of all interviews
Not all qualified applicants will receive interviews.