Revision 12-1; Effective March 1, 2012
Average and project medical expenses, but reconcile the projection with actual expenses every six months, per 42 Code of Federal Regulations §435.725(e).
For routine dental incurred medical expense (IME) deductions, retroactively allow the deduction beginning the first month the work began. Do not allow any routine dental IME deductions until after the dental work has been completed.
Example 1: Form H1263-B, Certification of No Medical Contraindication – Dental, for dentures is received on May 24, 2010. Dental work began in March 2010. Lower the co-payment in the month of March 2010 and ongoing.
For non-routine dental IME deductions, allow the deduction beginning the first month following approval. Do not allow any deductions for non-routine before approval is received.
Example 2: Form H1263-B for implants is received on June 19, 2010. Approval is received on Form H1263-B on July 15, 2010. Dental work begins Aug. 2, 2010. Lower the co-payment in the month of August 2010 and ongoing.
Documentation of the IME deductions should be entered in the automated system, even if the co-payment amount is $0. See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide.