Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a person is unable to provide documentary evidence of citizenship and identity in a timely manner because of incapacity of mind or body or the lack of an authorized representative to assist, assist the person in obtaining documentary evidence of citizenship and identity by referring the person to appropriate entities.
The following is a nonexclusive list of entities that may be able to provide assistance:
- Department of Family and Protective Services, Adult Protective Services
- Legal Aid
- Social Security Administration
- 2-1-1
Dialing 2-1-1 will connect persons with community-based organizations that may be able to help.
For persons born out of state, some sources to obtain a birth certificate are:
-; and
- or its toll free number, 1-888-736-2692.
When assisting a person in providing documentary evidence of citizenship and identity, request available documents, regardless of the level of evidence. Ensure the case record comments address the situation.