Have you heard we’re hiring?
Join a team that cares.
We have openings in the following areas:
- Food service
- Building maintenance
- Custodians
- Psychiatric nursing assistants
- Nurses
- Social workers
- Physicians
- Psychiatrists
We offer outstanding benefits and career advancement opportunities. Learn more at our careers page.
About Us
Big Spring State Hospital, established in 1938, provides inpatient adult psychiatric services and forensic competency-restoration services to 57 counties of West Texas and the Texas South Plains.
1901 North Hwy 87
Big Spring, TX 79720
Fax: 432-268-7263
Visitor Information
Families and significant others are crucial to the treatment process. That’s why we provide basic family education about mental illness and how families can positively influence the life of the person living with mental illness.
COVID-19 Precautions may change visiting hours, policies or guidelines. Please call the facility before planning a visit.
Visiting Hours
Visiting hours are 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekends and holidays.
Visitors Policy
Patients have the right to have visitors unless a doctor determines it isn’t in the best interest of the patient. Patients also have the right to refuse visitors.
If patients are on medical precautions, we will monitor visits carefully and limit the time. We will tell visitors about any special precautions.
Patients can have three visitors at a time. Former patients may visit with the permission of the person they want to visit.
If the patient has a guardian, the guardian must approve visitors.
Visitors Guidelines
Please register at the Information Desk to receive a visitor's pass. When visiting, please follow the below rules:
- Tell the receptionist the name of the patient you are visiting.
- Show identification, including a photo ID or driver’s license.
- After registering with the receptionist, security will escort you to the visitation area where parking is available.
- You may bring pre-packaged food or drinks if the patient’s attending clinician allows it.
- Security will inspect any item you’re bringing for the patient. If the items aren’t allowed, please leave them in your locked vehicle.
- Leave purses, bags containers, pocketknives or lighters inside your locked vehicle.
Children Visiting
Visits with children ages 13 and younger must be arranged by contacting the patient’s social worker prior to the visit.
Overnight Visitation
The Don and Marilyn Newsom Family Lodge is an on-campus facility designed for overnight use by families and significant others. Contact the patient’s social worker for availability.
Volunteer at Big Spring State Hospital! Whether it’s for a day or a long-term basis, we welcome individuals and groups to volunteer at our campus for a variety of opportunities, including:
- Helping with events, such as music festivals, dances, or holiday celebrations.
- Landscaping, painting, or interior decorating.
- Teaching art or music.
- Helping with recreational activities like playing games or reading.
- Serving on a non-profit board.
Signing up takes just 10 minutes via our online form. Apply today!