You and your employees can benefit from the employee’s enrollment in HIPP.

Under state law, eligibility for the HIPP program is considered a qualifying event. That means anyone eligible for HIPP can enroll in an employer-sponsored health insurance plan at any time during the year.
To assist employees with HIPP enrollment, you will need to provide your employee or the HIPP program with a list of all the health insurance plans and rate sheets your company provides to employees.
The HIPP program will reimburse the employee for the employee's portion of the health insurance premiums.
The employer-sponsored health insurance plan must Pay at least 60 percent of the costs when your employee:
- Goes to the doctor
- Buys medicine
- Gets care out of the hospital
- Has lab tests or X-rays
- Is in the hospital
Tax Credit
We want to encourage you to have your employees participate in the HIPP program. There is an opportunity for you to receive a tax credit if your employees participate in HIPP. For more information about the tax credit opportunity, visit the Texas Workforce Commission’s Work Opportunity Tax Credit page.
If the employee loses HIPP eligibility, you will have 60 days to disenroll the employee from the health insurance plan. If the employee chooses to remain enrolled in your health insurance plan, the employee must do so at their own expense.
To Learn More
Call the HIPP Employer line at 800-471-7792, Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central Time.