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    A Rural Health Clinic is a clinic located in a rural area designated as a shortage area. It may not exist as a rehabilitation agency or function primarily as a care and treatment facility for mental diseases.

    Topics: Health Care Facilities Regulation

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    Information for Texas Emergency Response Services providers.

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is a computer-based system that verifies the occurrence of authorized personal attendant service visits by electronically documenting the precise time a service delivery visit begins and ends. Texas requires EVV for certain Medicaid funded home and community-based services provided through HHSC and MCOs.

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers, Policy, Reporting

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    Home Delivered Meals provides nutritious noontime meals delivered to people in their homes on a scheduled basis. Meals may also be delivered to a location other than an individual's home, provided the location is within the provider's service area and is approved by the case worker. Those eligible for HDM are aged 18 years or older. An interest list is maintained for people interested in applying for this program. This page contains information for HDM providers.

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers, Food, Policy, Licensing and Credentialing, Contact

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