What is Home Delivered Meals (HDM)?
HDM provides nutritious noontime meals delivered to people in their homes on a scheduled basis. Meals may also be delivered to a location other than an individual's home, provided the location is within the provider's service area and is approved by the case worker. Those eligible for HDM are aged 18 years or older. An interest list is maintained for people interested in applying for this program.
Information on becoming an Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) HDM provider can be found online.
Home-Delivered Meals Waiver Request
The document listed below is to be used by Title XX HDM providers to request a waiver:
Provider Communications
Click here for news, information letters (ILs) and provider letters (PLs).
Don't Miss Out on Emails from HHS
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission contracts with a company called Granicus to provide email updates, called GovDelivery. In accordance with your contract, and contracting rules at 40 Texas Administrative Code §49.302(g), you must subscribe to receive HHSC email updates, using this GovDelivery signup, and select Information Letters, Provider Alerts and the contract program type(s).
When you sign up for email updates, you are giving your information to both HHSC and to Granicus. When HHSC has your information, it is subject to the HHSC privacy policy. When Granicus has your information, it is subject to the Granicus GovDelivery privacy policy.
Contact Program Staff
For questions about:
- Contracting with HHSC: Contact Information for Community Care Services Contracts Contract Management (PDF)
- Information regarding eligibility criteria: Your local HHS office
- Program or provider policy information: Email HDM Policy
- Nursing or other services: Community Services Regional Contacts
How to Become a Provider
Contracting to Provide Services
To be eligible to provide services and receive reimbursement for these services, a provider agency must meet certain eligibility criteria. Rules regarding program and contracting requirements can be found in Title 40 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) as follows:
- Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Chapter 55: Contracting to Provide Home-Delivered Meals
- Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 49: Contracting for Community Care Services
For more information about HHSC provider contracting process and requirements, please click here.
An individual or provider agency must complete an application to provide services in the fee for services Community Services programs. Once you have met the minimum eligibility criteria, you may review the required application documents on:
The required application documents may be downloaded for completion. Please contact your local Community Care Services Contracts Contract Management(PDF) to obtain the mailing address to submit completed documents.
If you prefer HHSC mail you the required application documents, please contact your local Contact Information for Community Care Services Contracts Contract Management (PDF) to request an application packet and obtain the mailing address to submit completed documents.
Statutes and Rules
- Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 48, Subchapter H, Rule §48.2912: Home-Delivered Meals
- Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 49: Contracting for Community Services
- Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 55: Contracting to Provide Home-Delivered Meals
- Texas Government Code, Title 10, Chapter 2105, Administration of Block Grants
- Texas Human Resource Code, Title 2, Chapter 22, Section 22.001, General Powers and Duties of the Department
- Texas Human Resource Code, Title 2, Chapter 22, Section 22.002(a), Administration of Federal Welfare Programs