WIC Wellness Works

WIC Wellness Works is the statewide worksite wellness program for Texas WIC employees.


  • Empower WIC staff to incorporate wellness activities into their work and daily lives.
  • Encourage physical, emotional, and social well-being of WIC staff.
  • Increase WIC staff engagement and job satisfaction.
  • Provide educational materials and environmental support.

Focus areas:

  • Physical activity
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Emotional well-being
  • Stress management

For information about the WIC Wellness Works program please contact Connie Cheng MS, RDN, LDN.


Below are resources for implementing wellness activities in the WIC workplace. Taking care of ourselves helps us take better care of others.

Relax, Sleep and Renew

The Relax, Sleep, and Renew challenge will help improve quality and duration of sleep for you and your coworkers. The packet highlights the importance of getting enough quality sleep, which improves all aspects of our lives. You and your coworkers will gain awareness of your current sleep hygiene, practice strategies to relax your mind and body at the end of the day and create a sleep routine and environment that will encourage restful, restorative sleep.

Coordinator Packet (PDF)
Employee Packet (PDF)

WIC Wellness Breaks Tracker

Using this tracker, see how many wellness tasks you can check off in a week. Hang it in your clinic to display your accomplishments, and see what your coworkers have done.

Answering the Call to a Healthier You (PDF)

30-Day Wellness Challenge

This 30-day challenge consists of simple daily wellness activities – like giving a compliment or scheduling your next doctor’s appointment. Use the clinic calendar to share wellness achievements and gain ideas.

Coordinator Packet (PDF)

Employee Packet (PDF)

Clinic Calendar (PDF)

Ready, Set, Go 30 Day Challenge

This challenge invites staff to gather together to select which wellness activities will be the focus for the next 30 days. This challenge is perfect for the New Year but can be used any time!

Clinic Packet - Your Team’s New Year Resolutions! (PDF)

Dining In – Fast, Easy, Healthy!

This 4-week challenge starts with exploring what a “healthy meal” means, then moves to experimentation with vegetables and proteins using the variety of recipes provided.

Coordinator Packet (PDF)

Employee Packet (PDF)

Design Your Own Plate Poster (PDF)

Growing the 5 Seeds of Happiness

This 5-week challenge allows you and your coworkers to ‘plant one seed of happiness’ (practice one positive behavior) each week. Use the Happiness Grows Here board to share experiences with coworkers.

Coordinator Packet (PDF)

Employee Packet (PDF)

Happiness Grows Here! Banner (PDF)

Happiness - 10 Colored Magnets (PDF)

WIC Olympic Games

This six-week challenge is filled with activities for every fitness level. Participate individually or with fellow employees to log exercise minutes and earn a weekly bronze, silver, or gold medal for number of minutes logged.

Team Captain Instructions (PDF)

Employee Training Guide (PDF)

WIC Olympic Games Poster (PDF)

Olympic Medallions (PDF)

Holiday Survival Guide

Learn tips to balance all of the stresses that come with the holidays, including how to continue to give and receive kindness during this special time.

Coordinator Packet (PDF)

Employee Packet (PDF)

Quotes from WIC Staff: "In Their Own Words..."

  • “The key to a successful wellness program is to be accountable to each other and to motivate each other. It is also important to keep wellness alive by talking about it, making it part of your staff meetings, and part of your daily routine.”
  • “I had a lot of stress – everything from moving, to losing a family member, to getting into a car accident – but the [Highway to Health walking challenge] program kept me moving and gave my mind something positive to focus on.”
  • “My blood sugar went up over 200. I made excuses and figured it was just something I ate. But after the wellness program started, I realized that I needed to do something. I needed to start walking again. Once I started walking again, it (blood sugar level) fell back within the normal range, and it has stayed there.”
  • “Seeing your coworkers exercise and actually enjoy it motivates other staff to join in. There’s increased awareness amongst staff about fitness and health and more conversation about who is losing weight and how they are eating better and exercising more!”
  • “Sometimes they (her colleagues) would start off by saying, ‘I’m too tired. It’s been a long day.’ But then, they would see me walking and they would say ‘Well, she works the same long hours we do, and she gets out there and does it – so we can too!’”
  • “Everyone’s lost a few inches. Two have had pretty dramatic results. They’re feeling a lot better, shopping for new clothes, and it’s motivating them to continue. We do the walking video, people have been bringing their own lunch instead of eating out, and we cut our lunch a little bit short so that we have time to exercise. It’s definitely helped with our stress too! We’re all feeling better!”