W-2120, Action on Changes

Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015

If an individual reports a change or the advisor receives an agency-generated change during the 12-month continuous eligibility period and has:

  • No associated EDG, document the change and handle at renewal, unless it is a change of address, the certified woman dies, a voluntary withdrawal, or the individual moves out of Texas.
  • An associated EDG, document the change and handle at renewal unless it is a change of address, the certified woman dies, a voluntary withdrawal, or the individual moves out of Texas. Process the change for an associated EDG using current process.
  • A change of address, mail the individual Form H0025, HHSC Application for Voter Registration, to register to vote based on the new address. If the individual contacts the local eligibility office or 2-1-1 to decline the opportunity to register to vote after receipt of Form H0025, mail Form H1350, Opportunity to Register to Vote, to the individual for a signature. File Form H1350 in the case record when the individual returns the form and retain the form for at least 22 months.

Related Policy

Registering to Vote, A-1521