2000, Rules

Revision Notice 24-2; Effective Sept. 1, 2024

Note: CDS rules are effective Jan. 1, 2007, and include amendments effective Sept. 1, 2024. This webpage redirects users to the Texas Administrative Code website maintained by the Office of the Secretary of State. By clicking on the links below, you will be leaving the Texas Health and Human Services website. For more information about links to external websites, read our site policies.

Subchapter A, Introduction

§264.101 Introduction 
§264.103 Definitions 
§264.105 Application 
§264.107 Overview of the CDS Option 
§261.108 Services Available Through the CDS Option 
§261.109 Enrollment in the CDS Option 
§261.111 Service Planning in the CDS Option

Subchapter B, Responsibilities of Employers and Designated Representatives

§264.205 Employer Appointment of a Designated Representative 
§264.206 Proof of Guardianship for the Employer 
§264.207 Initial Orientation of an Employer
§264.209 Employer-Agent Registration 
§264.211 Financial Management Services 
§264.213 Employer Support Services 
§264.215 Employer Role in the Service Planning Process 
§264.217 Employer Responsibilities Regarding Service Backup Plan
§264.219 CDSA Reports 
§264.221 Corrective Action Plans
§264.223 Liability Acknowledgment and Workers' Compensation
§264.225 Criminal History Check of an Applicant for Employment and an Employee 
§264.227 Required Registry Checks 
§264.229 Licensure and Certification Verification 
§264.231 Verification of Eligibility of an Employee or Contractor 
§264.233 Training and Management of Service Providers 
§264.235 Verification of Eligibility for Vendors 
§264.237 Service Provider Agreements 
§264.238 Service Delivery Requirements 
§264.239 Documentation of Services Delivered
§264.241 Payment of Services 
§264.243 Record Retention

Subchapter C, Enrollment and Responsibilities of Financial Management Services Agencies (FMSAs)

§264.301 Contracting as an FMSA 
§264.303 Obtaining and Revoking Federal and State Approval to be a Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent 
§264.305 Appointment of a Designated Representative 
§264.306 Proof of Guardianship for Financial Management Services Agencies 
§264.307 Initial Orientation of an Employer 
§264.309 Financial Management Services, CFC Support Management and Employer-Agent Responsibilities 
§264.311 Employer Support Services and Support Consultation Services 
§264.313 Individual Service Planning Process 
§264.315 Service Back-up Plan 
§264.317 CDSA Reports 
§264.319 Corrective Action Plans 
§264.321 Liability Acknowledgment and Workers' Compensation 
§264.323 Criminal History Check of an Applicant for Employment and to be an Employee 
§264.325 Required Registry Checks of an Applicant to be an Employee 
§264.327 Verification of Applicants for Employees, Contractors, and Vendors 
§264.329 Continued Eligibility of an Employee, Contractor, or Vendor 
§264.331 Evaluation of Job Performance and Satisfaction 
§264.333 Service Agreements 
§264.335 Documentation of Services Delivered 
§264.337 Payment of Services 
§264.339 Records

Subchapter D, Enrollment, Transfer, Suspension, and Termination

§264.401 Enrollment Process 
§264.403 Transfer Process 
§264.404 Ensuring Development, Approval, and Review of Service Backup Plans
§264.405 Suspension of Participation in the CDS Option 
§264.407 Termination of Participation in the CDS Option 
§264.409 Re-enrollment for Participation in the CDS Option

Subchapter E, Budgets

§264.501 Budget Development 
§264.503 Financial Management Services
§264.505 Payroll Budgeting 
§264.507 Employer Support Services Budgeting 
§264.509 Budget Approval 
§264.511 Budget Revisions and Approval

Subchapter F, Support Consultation Services and Support Advisory Responsibilities

§264.601 Support Consultation Services 
§264.603 Support Advisor Qualifications 
§264.605 Support Advisor Responsibilities

Subchapter G, Reporting Allegations

§264.701 Reporting Allegations of Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of an Individual
§264.702 Requirements Related to HHSC Investigations When an Alleged  Perpetrator is a Service Provider
§264.703 Requirements Related to HHSC Investigations When an Alleged Perpetrator is a Staff  Person or a Controlling Person of an FMSA

Subchapter H, Oversight

§264.801 Oversight