Regional Summaries
DY7-10 RHP Summaries
- DSRIP DY7-10 Category B Patient Population by Provider Summary – All RHPs (Excel) (10/10/2022)
This file contains a summary of reported patient population by provider (PPP) data through the April DY11 NMI reporting period. - Category C Summary Workbook - All RHPs (Excel) (12/22/2022)
- DSRIP DY9-10 Provider Summary Information (Excel) (3/11/2020) This file provides an overview of DSRIP provider summaries, provider system definitions, and descriptions of each core activity implemented by provider for DY9-10.
- DSRIP DY7-8 Provider Summary Information (Excel) (3/19/2019) This file provides an overview of DSRIP provider summaries, provider system definitions, and descriptions of each core activity implemented by provider for DY7-8. The file contains data as of 3/19/19 after October DY7 reporting with the exception of Core Activities, which has not been updated from 6/29/19 when RHP Plans were finalized.
DY1-10 Payments
- Total Payments to Date for DY1-10 (Excel) (2/7/2023)
DY1-6 Summaries
- QPI Summary - All RHPs (Excel) (updated 8/8/2019)
- Reported Category 3 Outcomes - All RHPs (Excel) (updated 3/5/2019)
- DSRIP Tableau Dashboard (updated 3/5/2018)
The DSRIP Tableau Dashboard presents DY2-6 Category 1-3 data in various summaries and graphs. It allows project filters based on RHP, Provider Name, Provider Type, Project Option, Primary Project Type, and Category 3 Outcome. - DSRIP DY2-6 Projects as of March 1, 2017 (Excel) (updated 3/10/2017)
- Calendar Year 2018 RHP-Level Medicaid/CHIP PPAs, PPRs and PPCs (Excel) (9/25/2020)
- Regional (RHP) Quality Measures ( Excel) (11/15/2016) (This file presents a regional (RHP) level comparison of performance on various inpatient and ambulatory outcomes based on 2013 and 2014 Texas Medicaid Managed Care claims data, building on the information presented at the 2015 Statewide Learning Collaborative by the Institute of Child Health Policy (PDF). Please see the "Contents" tab of the Excel file for overview information.
- Project types - statewide summary (Excel) (7/2/2015) (This document is a sortable file of primary and secondary project types selected by each provider to categorize their DSRIP projects.)
- DSRIP Tableau Dashboard User Reference Guide (PDF) (updated 10/14/2015)
DSRIP - Anchor and Provider Resources
DSRIP Payment Summaries by Reporting Periods
The links below are to the project payment summaries. Note that these are the official payment files and may not match the amounts included in the DSRIP Online Reporting System.
- October DY11 Category C Milestone Summary (Excel) (2/7/2023)
- October DY11 Category and Measure Summary (Excel) (2/7/2023)
- April DY11 Category C Milestone Summary (Excel) (8/2/2022)
- April DY11 Category and Measure Summary (Excel) (8/2/2022)
- October DY10 Category C Milestone Summary (Excel) (2/2/2022)
- October DY10 Category and Measure Summary (Excel) (2/2/2022)
- April DY10 Category C Milestone Summary (Excel) (7/27/2021)
- April DY10 Category and Measure Summary (Excel) (7/27/2021)
- October DY9 Category C Milestone Summary (Excel) (1/27/2021)
- October DY9 Category and Measure Summary (Excel) (1/27/2021)
- April DY9 Project and Category Summary (Excel) (7/16/2020)
- April DY9 Category C Milestone Summary (Excel) (7/16/2020)
- October DY8 Project and Category Summary (Excel) (01/31/2020)
- October DY8 Category C Milestone Summary (Excel) (01/31/2020)
- April DY8 Project and Category Summary (Excel) (7/24/2019)
- April DY8 Category C Milestone Summary (Excel) (7/24/2019)
- October DY7 Project and Category Summary (Excel) (1/18/2019)
- October DY7 Category C Milestone Summary (Excel) (1/18/2019)
- April DY7 Project Payment Summary (Excel) (7/17/2018)
DSRIP Provider and Project Reporting Summaries
Please find links below to the provider and project reporting summaries. The Provider Summaries provide a high-level narrative overview of the status of all of a provider's DSRIP projects. The Project Summaries provide project-level status information related to a specific project's accomplishments, challenges, lessons learned, etc. The provider summary file contains information from the October DY2 through April DY9 reporting periods. The project summary file contains information from the October DY2 through the Oct DY7 reporting periods.
- DSRIP Provider Reporting Summary Oct DY2 - April DY9 (Excel)
- DSRIP Project Reporting Summary Oct DY2 - Oct DY7 (Excel)
Regional Healthcare Partnership (RHP)
- Regional Healthcare Partnership Map (PDF) (8/7/2012)