The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993

The NVRA of 1993 requires the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) to ensure that individuals applying for or receiving DADS services are offered the opportunity to register to vote. Visit the links listed below for more information on the NVRA and voting registration resources in Texas.

NVRA of 1993


VoteTexas.Gov for Voters with Special Needs


DADS NVRA Plan is required by the Texas Secretary of State's Office.

DADS Forms Related to Voting

Individuals applying for services must be given the opportunity to register to vote using DADS Form 0030, Application for Voter Registration. This link is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to be used to register to vote. For information on how to order voter registration cards that meet the printing requirements established by the Texas Secretary of State, staff or others designated by DADS should consult their policy handbook or regional or division policy contact person.

DADS Form 1019, Opportunity to Register to Vote/Declination should be used to record the decision of an applicant who declines the opportunity to register to vote.

Voter ID Exemptions

People with disabilities who lack an acceptable form of photo ID can be exempt from having to present a photo ID in order to vote. For information about applying for a permanent exemption from presenting a photo ID, in the FAQ section of VoteTexas.Gov see the response to the question: What will I need in order to vote in person on election day or during early voting?

Voting by Mail

People voting by mail do not have to present a photo ID. To learn more, visit the Texas Department of Public Safety Election Identification Certificate webpage.