Form H1898, Restored Benefits Documentation

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Effective Date: 5/2007


Updated: 5/2007


  • To be used to document the method of determining the amount of benefits approved and to record the amount of restored benefits due the household.
  • To record the supervisor's approval of the restored benefits.
  • To record the date and amount of restored benefits to be issued.
  • To provide local control, if desired, over the amount of benefits restored.


When to Prepare

The advisor prepares Form H1898 when the need for restored benefits is established.

Number of Copies

Original and one copy.


Send original and copy to the supervisor for approval. File the original in the household's case record. The supervisor retains the copy as a unit control.

Form Retention

Form H1898 is retained three years from the date of the last entry.

Detailed Instructions

Case Name — Self-explanatory.

Case Number — Self-explanatory.

Reason HHSC owes restored benefits — Indicate the reason benefits are being restored by checking the appropriate box (errors in income, deductions, resources, household composition, failure to act in a timely manner, benefits not received, other).

Household is entitled to restored benefits because: — Check the box that applies.

Household is entitled to more than 12 months of restored benefits because: — Check box only if a court order entitles the household to restored benefits an/or if the court order entitles the household to more than 12 months. Note: This is the only exception to issuing more than 12 months of restored benefits to food stamp households

Household is entitled to more than 12 months of restored benefits because: — Check the box that applies.

Detailed explanation of why restored benefits are owed: — Enter case documentation related to restored benefits in this section. However, the worksheet must refer to Form H1898.

Computations — For each month, the advisor is required to compute the amount of restored benefits the household should have received. After the budget(s) has/have been computed, enter the month, the amount issued for that month, the corrected amount for that month and the difference.

Total Amount Owed: — This includes the total amount of the difference entered for each month.

Total Amount of Restored Benefits Owed: — Self-explanatory.

Amount of Offset, if any: — Self-explanatory.

Amount of Restoration Approved: — Self-explanatory.

Claim against household? — Self-explanatory.

Was there an offset? — Self-explanatory.

If yes, provide date Form H1018... — If yes was checked on the offset question, the advisor must enter the date Form H1018, Overpayment Claim, was sent to the Office of Investigator General (OIG).

Provide the date Form H1825... — Enter the date Form H1825 was sent to the household.

Signature — Advisor, Date — The advisor authorizing the benefits signs and dates the form.

Signature — Supervisor, Date — The supervisor approving the benefits signs and dates the form.