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    Due to COVID-19 precautions, HHSC is taking protective measures for the public and HHSC staff. HHSC encourages contract applicants and current contractors for Long-term Care programs and services to submit contract applications and other contract information by email or fax

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    A Rural Health Clinic is a clinic located in a rural area designated as a shortage area. It may not exist as a rehabilitation agency or function primarily as a care and treatment facility for mental diseases.

    Topics: Health Care Facilities Regulation

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    The SSPD program provides services in a variety of settings to assist individuals in developing the skills needed to remain in the community as independently as possible. Services included in the service plan consist of counseling, personal care and help with the development of skills needed for independent living in the community. Services vary depending on the regional contract This page contains information for SSPD providers.

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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