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    The HHS Centralized Background Check Unit is required to do background checks to find out if a person has a criminal history or an abuse and neglect history that might be a risk to the health and safety of children. Background checks are required for Child Care providers, Residential Child Care providers, and Foster and adoptive homes.

    Topics: Child Care Licensing/Regulation, Licensing and Credentialing

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    Resources for Texas PACE program providers

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    Information for Texas Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP) Providers

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers

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    Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is a computer-based system that verifies the occurrence of authorized personal attendant service visits by electronically documenting the precise time a service delivery visit begins and ends. Texas requires EVV for certain Medicaid funded home and community-based services provided through HHSC and MCOs.

    Topics: Long-term Care Providers, Policy, Reporting

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