How to Participate in County Jail Reporting

For a county to participate in reporting the confinement and release of people receiving health care benefits, the following steps must be completed:

  • Submit a County Jail Reporting Notice of Intent to HHSC.
    • HHSC will verify the institution is a county jail.
  • Have a signed Memorandum of Understanding, which will also be signed by HHSC.
  • Complete provisioning requirements for GlobalScape, the secure file transfer protocol site for uploading the Notification of County Jail Confinement and Release forms.
  • Designate via e-mail which staff will be responsible for reporting to HHSC.
  • Access and complete the required training provided by HHSC.
  • Provide a completed and signed Form 4743A and HHS Acceptable Use Agreement for each county jail staff member responsible for reporting to HHSC.

Once county jail staff have successfully completed the training, HHSC will provide an email with instructions. It will include login information and how to access the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System. Then county staff can check if confined people are receiving health care.

Step 1: Submit a Notice of Intent

Notify HHS of your intent to report county jail confinements and releases by completing and submitting a Notice of Intent. This must be submitted electronically. Ready the Notice of Intent Instructions below for information about how to complete the form. All information on the Notice of Intent must be provided including the name, title and email address of who will be signing the Memorandum of Understanding.

Notice of Intent Instructions

Who Can Submit a Notice of Intent?

The Notice of Intent must be submitted by someone with decision-making authority for the county jail.

Name of County Jail

Provide the name of the primary county jail.

Contact Person

The person listed on the Notice of Intent will be the primary contact for the county jail reporting process. This person can also designate additional staff within the county jails, and can add and remove staff and locations that participate in the reporting process.

Note: To request that access to the HHS eligibility system be terminated for staff, or to request that staff be added to the County Jail Reporting process, email that person's name to AES County Jail Reporting. New staff must complete the training and submit Form 4743A and HHS Acceptable Use Agreement before they are given access.

MOU Details

The MOU must be signed by someone with decision-making authority for the county jail. Enter the name, title, phone number and email address of the person who will be signing the MOU. Submitting the Notice of Intent will prompt an email to be sent to the person listed with next steps.


The person listed on the Notice of Intent must sign and submit the form for the county jail reporting process to begin.

Read the Notice of Intent.

Step 2: Complete the Memorandum of Understanding

After the Notice of Intent is submitted, an email will be sent to the address provided by the county. It will have instructions on how to complete, sign and submit the Memorandum of Understanding. Once an HHS representative has signed the MOU, a PDF version will be sent to the county sheriff.

Read Sample Memorandum of Understanding (PDF).

Step 3: Complete the Provisioning Requirements for GlobalScape

After completing the Notice of Intent and MOU, the primary contact for each county will receive an email with instructions on how to complete and submit the HHS Acceptable Use Agreement and Electronic File Transfer Request forms to obtain access to GlobalScape. This is the SFTP site where county jail staff will upload the Notification of County Jail Confinement and Release forms.

Step 4: Complete County Jail Reporting Training

Once the MOU is signed, county jail staff whose information has been provided by the county sheriff will get an email explaining how to complete a web-based training.

Step 5: Accessing HHS Eligibility System

To gain access to the system that shows if confined people are receiving health care, the county sheriff must identify who will be responsible for reporting. Once training has been verified as completed, county jail staff will receive an email with instructions on how to log in to the system.