HHSC has implemented a new credentialing system in the Texas Unified Information Portal (TULIP) for Nursing Facility Administrators (NFA). All NFAs active on Feb. 11, 2022, have been under a grace period as defined in PL 2022-20. Given the ability for NFAs to submit renewal applications in TULIP, the system is considered fully functional, and the current grace period will end on Jan. 31, 2023.
All NFAs whose expiration date is between Feb. 11, 2022, and Jan. 31, 2023, are required to submit their renewal application in TULIP by Jan. 1, 2023. Following Jan. 31, 2023, all NFAs are to follow current renewal submission requirements.
It is the NFA’s responsibility to report and escalate any issues with submitting a renewal in TULIP.
- For issues logging into TULIP, email TULIP Support at TULIPSupport@hhsc.state.tx.us.
- To escalate an issue sent to TULIP Support, or for questions about the application itself, email nfa_licensing_program@hhs.texas.gov or call 512-438-2014.
- To bring an issue to the attention of the LTCR Licensing and Credentialing Director, email stephanie.allred@hhs.texas.gov.