Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Robert D. Moreton Building, Public Hearing Room M-100, First Floor
1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas
United States
This meeting will be webcast. Members of the public may attend the meeting in person at the address above or access a live stream of the meeting at https://texashhsmeetings.org/HHSWebcast. Select the tab for Moreton M-100 Live on the date and time for this meeting. Please e-mail Webcasting@hhsc.state.tx.us if you have any problems with the webcasting function.
- Welcome and call to order
- Overview: DSHS FY2025-2029 Strategic Plan
- Public comment
- Closing remarks
- Adjourn
DSHS will hold a public hearing to receive input on the FY2025-2029 DSHS Strategic Plan:
A Healthy Texas.
To improve the health, safety, and well-being of all Texans.
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1. Improve and support health outcomes and well-being for individuals and families.
- Objective 1.1: Enhance quality of direct care and value of services.
- Objective 1.2: Prevent illness and promote wellness through public- and population-health strategies.
- Objective 1.3: Encourage self-sufficiency and long-term independence.
Goal 2. Ensure efficient access to appropriate services.
- Objective 2.1: Empower Texans to identify and apply for services.
- Objective 2.2: Provide seamless access to services for which clients are eligible.
- Objective 2.3: Ensure people receive services and supports in the most appropriate, least restrictive settings, considering individual needs and preferences.
- Objective 2.4: Strengthen consumers’ access to information, education, and support.
Goal 3. Protect the health and safety of vulnerable Texans.
- Objective 3.1: Optimize preparation for and response to disasters, health threats, and disease outbreaks.
- Objective 3.2: Prevent and reduce harm through improved education, monitoring, inspection, and investigation.
Goal 4. Continuously enhance efficiency and accountability.
- Objective 4.1: Promote and protect the financial and programmatic integrity of Health and Human Services.
- Objective 4.2: Strengthen, sustain, and support a high-functioning, efficient, and resilient workforce.
- Objective 4.3: Continuously improve business strategies with optimized technology and a culture of data-driven decision-making.
- Objective 4.4: Create/enhance a work environment in which employees are empowered to recommend and embrace change.
Public Comment
Stakeholder input is a critical element of this process. DSHS will accept public comment at the Austin location and virtually. To provide time to all persons wishing to speak, DSHS will observe a three-minute time limit per speaker. DSHS is seeking your ideas and recommendations for the DSHS strategic plan.
Please include the following in your comments:
- Your name or the name of your organization and a contact person.
- A clear, concise description of the recommendation.
- What need would be addressed by this recommendation and the expected impact or benefit to the state or the people we serve.
Members of the public who would like to provide public comment may register at this link https://forms.office.com/r/QCzEEE7wQt and choose from the following options:
- Oral comments provided virtually: Members of the public must pre-register to provide oral comments virtually during the meeting by completing a Public Comment Registration form at https://forms.office.com/r/QCzEEE7wQt no later than 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 27, 2024. Please mark the correct box on the Public Comment Registration form and provide your name, either the organization you are representing or that you are speaking as a private citizen, and your direct phone number. If you have completed the Public Comment Registration form, you will receive an email the day before the meeting with instructions for providing virtual public comment. Oral comments are limited to three minutes. Each speaker providing oral public comments virtually must ensure their face is visible and their voice audible to the other participants while they are speaking. Each speaker must state their name and on whose behalf they are speaking (if anyone). If you pre-register to speak and wish to provide a handout before the meeting, please submit an electronic copy in accessible PDF format that will be distributed to the appropriate DSHS staff. Handouts are limited to two pages (paper size: 8.5” by 11”, one side only). Handouts must be emailed to DSHSPublicHearings@dshs.texas.gov immediately after pre-registering, but no later than 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 27, 2024, and include the name of the person who will be commenting. Do not include health or other confidential information in your comments or handouts. Staff will not read handouts aloud during the meeting, but handouts will be provided to the appropriate DSHS staff.
- Oral comments provided in-person at the meeting location: Members of the public may provide oral public comment during the meeting in person at the meeting location by pre-registering online using the Public Comment Registration form at https://forms.office.com/r/QCzEEE7wQt. Do not include health information or other confidential information in your comments or handouts.
- Written comments: A member of the public who wishes to provide written public comments only must email the comments to DSHSPublicHearings@dshs.texas.gov no later than 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 27, 2024. Please include your name and the organization you are representing or that you are commenting as a private citizen. Written comments are limited to two pages (paper size: 8.5” by 11”, one side only). Do not include health or other confidential information in your comments. Staff will not read written comments aloud during the meeting, but comments will be provided to the appropriate DSHS staff.
Note: These procedures may be revised at the discretion of DSHS.
Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or public hearing arrangements should be directed to:
Mail: Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
Center for System Coordination and Innovation (CSCI)
1100 West 49th Street, Austin, TX 78756
Mail Code 1911, Austin, TX 78714-9347
Fax: Attention: DSHS Public Hearing at 512-776-7671
E-mail: DSHSPublicHearings@dshs.texas.gov
Phone: 512-776-3102
This forum is open to the public. No reservations are required, and there is no cost to attend.
People with disabilities who wish to attend the public hearing and require auxiliary aids or services should call 512-776-3102 at least 72 hours before the public hearing so appropriate arrangements can be made.