Texas Works Handbook

A-2410, General Policy

Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013


Revision 17-3; Effective July 1, 2017


One Time Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (OTTANF) provides $1,000 cash assistance for families in crisis. The intent of the OTTANF payment is to help solve a short-term crisis and divert households from ongoing TANF benefits. These families must

  • meet all TANF eligibility requirements; and
  • not currently receive TANF.
    Note: Households who are active on Type Programs (TP) 07, 20 or 37 may apply for OTTANF.

A household has an option of receiving TANF or OTTANF if it meets one of four crisis criteria. Households who choose this option are not eligible to receive TANF, TANF-SP, or OTTANF payments for 12 months.

The following type programs (TPs) identify OTTANF Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs):

  • TP 71 – for a one parent household; and
  • TP 72 – for a two parent household based on incapacity or TANF-SP.

The following participation statutes are required for an OTTANF EDG:

  • Eligible Adult – caretaker in an OTTANF household;
  • Eligible Adult – second parent in an OTTANF household;
  • Eligible Child – an eligible child in an OTTANF household; and
  • Other Child – an SSI child

Related Policy

Certifying Children on Non-Parent Caretaker EDGs, A-223 
Form H1072, One Time Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Acknowledgement

A—2412 One-Time TANF for Relatives

Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022


Provide a $1,000 supplemental payment to certain relatives caring for a related dependent child or children in the home, if the relative:

  • is 25 or older. This includes those who turn 25 in the month the eligibility determination is made and couples in which one person is 25 or older (regardless of which one is the caretaker or payee);
  • is a grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother or sister of the child or children and meets the TANF relationship requirement in the TANF and medical programs relationship chart. This includes to the degree of great or great-great for grandparents, aunts and uncles;
  • is the caretaker or payee (or spouse of the caretaker or payee) of a TANF-certified child, including households who receive OTTANF;
  • has a family gross income less than or equal to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL); and
  • has resources less than or equal to the TANF resource limit of $1,000.

Note: A relative who is a payee is only required to meet the eligibility requirements noted above to qualify for the supplement. To be certified as a TANF caretaker, the relative must meet all TANF requirements.

No matter how many children are in the certified group, the relative receives a once in a lifetime single payment of $1,000. Once a relative receives a One-Time TANF for Relatives payment, the relative is not eligible to receive the payment again for other children who move into the home at a later time. Additionally, another relative cannot receive the payment for a child who has already received the payment.

The related dependent child must currently receive TANF or be newly certified for TANF (including open and close certifications). 


  • A relative does not qualify based solely on a related child in the home who receives SSI.
  • One-Time TANF for Relatives was previously known as the TANF Grandparent Payment and was limited to grandparents. If the relative or a child was in a certified group that received the Grandparent Payment, they are not eligible for One-Time TANF for Relatives.
  • The child’s cousins, nieces and nephews are not included in the list of potentially eligible relatives that can receive the One-Time TANF for Relatives payment.

Related Policy

Certifying Children on Non-Parent Caretaker EDGs, A-223
Limits, A-1220
Time Frames for Qualifying for Restored Benefits, B-820
Relationship Charts, C-1440

A-2420, Eligibility Requirements

Revision 05-5; Effective October 1, 2005

A—2421 OTTANF Requirements

Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013


OTTANF households must:

  • be eligible for TANF and eligible to receive a TANF grant of $10 or more in any month from the application or through the certification month;
  • not include a member who is disqualified or has an open PRA penalty; and
  • meet one of four crisis criteria listed in A-2440, Determining Crisis Criteria (OTTANF).

Note: The household does not have to be eligible for ongoing TANF to qualify for OTTANF.

If the household opts for OTTANF but fails to provide additional information needed for OTTANF, certify the application for TANF or TANF-SP without recontacting the individual.

A—2421.1 Citizenship

Revision 05-5; Effective October 1, 2005


All adult members of the household and at least one child must meet TANF citizenship requirements to be eligible for OTTANF. A child who is an ineligible alien is a non-household member.

A—2421.2 Deprivation Based on Incapacity

Revision 05-5; Effective October 1, 2005


If a household claims incapacity, follow the procedures in A-1050, Deprivation Based on Incapacity, before offering OTTANF.

A—2421.3 Child Support

Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013


Advisors must gather child support information as required for TANF EDGs. If the advisor processes the application as an OTTANF EDG, TIERS will not send the information to the Office of the Attorney General (OAG).

A—2421.4 Employment Services

Revision 05-3; Effective July 1, 2005


Required members must attend a workforce orientation before being offered OTTANF. Other employment services requirements do not apply to OTTANF.

A—2421.5 Personal Responsibility Agreement (PRA)

Revision 05-3; Effective July 1, 2005


Households must meet all TANF requirements, including the requirement to sign the PRA.

OTTANF applicants with an open PRA penalty must demonstrate cooperation to be eligible for OTTANF. See A-2100, Personal Responsibility Agreement.

A—2422 Requirements for One-Time TANF for Relatives

Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022

A—2422.1 Determining the Budget and Certified Group

Revision 23-1; Effective Jan. 1, 2023


Determining the Budget Group

To determine income eligibility, include:

  • the relative and the relative’s spouse if there is one;
  • the related dependent children for whom the relative is applying; and
  • any children of the relative, biological or adopted, who meet the TANF age and relationship requirement and for whom the relative could apply for TANF.

People included in the budget group may be disqualified or have a financial penalty.

Example: The household consists of Mr. and Mrs. Garza who are caring for two nephews, Chris, 2, and Oscar, 4. Mr. and Mrs. Garza have two children, Rick, 16, and Robert, 19. Rick and Robert live at home. Mrs. Garza is an ineligible alien and is the payee on the TANF EDGs for her two nephews.

To determine income and resource eligibility for One-Time TANF for Relatives, include the following members in the budget group: Mr. and Mrs. Garza, both nephews and Rick. Do not include Robert because he does not meet the age requirement.

Determining the Certified Group

The certified group consists of the TANF EDG caretaker or payee relative, the spouse of the relative, if applicable, and the related dependent children for whom the relative is applying.

Example: The following is the certified group for the Garza family noted in the example: Mr. and Mrs. Garza and both nephews. Rick and Robert are not included in the certified group.

A—2422.2 Income and Resource Guidelines

Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022


Count the income and resources of all members of the budget group. Compare the household's gross income to 200 percent of the FPL. Do not allow any income deductions.

Compare the budget group's resources to the TANF resource limit of $1,000.

Use TANF income and resource guidelines to determine countable and exempt income and resources.

Do not count the $1,000 One-Time TANF for Relatives payment as income in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), TANF or Medicaid EDG. Consider it a resource of the TANF certified child(ren), and therefore exempt from SNAP resources.

The supplement counts as a TANF benefit for purposes of determining the amount of child support owed to Texas.

Related Policy 

Resources of TANF and SSI Recipients, A-1248

A-2430, Who Is Not Eligible

Revision 05-5; Effective October 1, 2005

A—2431 Who Is Not Eligible for OTTANF

Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013


Do not offer OTTANF to a household if any member:

  • is disqualified;
  • is an active TANF individual;
  • has an open PRA noncooperation and fails to demonstrate cooperation within the allowed time period;
  • does not meet citizenship requirements for TANF (see A-2421.1, Citizenship);
  • is a caretaker or second parent who received OTTANF within the previous 12 months;
  • is a caretaker or second parent who did not receive OTTANF in the previous 12 months but now lives with a household that received OTTANF in the previous 12 months and would have been a required member of the household; or
  • is receiving Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA).


  • Consider an individual as being active in TANF if the individual applies for OTTANF during the individual's second noncooperation month.
  • Do not provide OTTANF for months identified as a forfeit month because of noncooperation with the PRA.
  • OTTANF applicants with an open PRA penalty must demonstrate cooperation to be eligible for OTTANF. See A-2100, Personal Responsibility Agreement.

A—2431.1 12-Month Ineligibility Period

Revision 17-3; Effective July 1, 2017


A caretaker or second parent certified for OTTANF is ineligible for TANF, TANF-SP or OTTANF for 12 months. The first month of the 12-month ineligibility period is the grant effective month. When a caretaker and/or second parent of an OTTANF EDG moves to a new household, the individual takes the 12-month ineligibility period status along with the move. Children are only ineligible for the OTTANF grant effective month.

Example 1:

Mary applies for and receives OTTANF for herself and child in December. In June, she marries a man with two children who do not receive TANF. Mary and her husband have a mutual child. The new household is not eligible for TANF or OTTANF until the following December because the ineligibility period follows the caretaker. The household can apply for medical programs.

Anyone who would have been a mandatory member of the TANF group at the time of certification is not eligible for TANF benefits during the 12-month ineligibility period.

Example 2:

Ms. King received OTTANF for herself and her two children with a grant effective date of September 2012. In December 2012, her child Ryan, who was living with his father, moves into her household. Ms. King applies for TANF for Ryan. Because Ryan would have been included in the budget group at the time of certification, he cannot receive OTTANF or TANF until September 2013.

Use the following chart to determine eligibility when minor parents move into or out of an OTTANF or TANF household.

If a minor parent ... and moves ... then the minor parent is ...
received OTTANF on a parent's EDG out and applies for TANF for the minor parent and for the child, eligible for OTTANF or TANF.
received OTTANF as a child in any household in with a parent who receives TANF, eligible for TANF after the OTTANF ineligible month.
received OTTANF as a caretaker in with a parent who receives TANF, eligible for TANF. Note: Contact the IEE/TIERS Technical Help Desk to address the removal of the ineligible date.
receives TANF as a caretaker in with a parent who received OTTANF, ineligible for TANF or OTTANF if the minor parent would have been a required member of the parent's EDG at the time OTTANF was certified.

A—2432 Who Is Not Eligible for One-Time TANF for Relatives

Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022


A household is not eligible for One-Time TANF for Relatives if:

  • the gross income for the household exceeds the income limit;
  • the resources available to the household exceed the resource limit;
  • the applicant and child do not meet the age or relationship requirements; or
  • either the relative or child have already received One-Time TANF for Relatives.

One-Time TANF for Relatives was previously known as the TANF Grandparent Payment and was limited to grandparents. If the relative or a child was in a certified group that received the Grandparent Payment, they are not eligible for One-Time TANF for Relatives.

A-2440, Determining Crisis Criteria

Revision 05-4; Effective August 1, 2005


In addition to meeting all TANF requirements, the household must also meet one of the following four crisis criteria.

A—2441 Crisis Criteria One (TP 71 or 72)

Revision 07-3; Effective July 1, 2007


The caretaker or second parent must have a loss of any type of employment without regard to work history or certain dollar amount in the

  • two months before application,
  • application month, or
  • process month.


  • If the household's income terminated in the process month and exceeded the TANF recognizable needs amount, the household may be eligible for OTTANF the month after the process month.
  • As long as the individual meets the criteria above and is TANF eligible, the individual may receive OTTANF regardless of the individual's current employment status.

Do not apply Crisis Criteria One if an applicant voluntarily quits a job, including self employment, without good cause.

Temporary leave without pay from a job does not constitute loss of employment.

Related Policy

Reasons for Good Cause, A-1861

A—2442 Crisis Criteria Two (TP 71)

Revision 07-3; Effective July 1, 2007


In a one-parent household, the:

  • dependent child must have a loss of financial support from the legal parent or stepparent within the last 12 months before the application month or process month through death, divorce, separation or abandonment or through termination or reduction of financial support; and
  • caretaker must have been employed within the 12 months before the application or process month.

Financial support, including child support, is assistance with basic living expenses like rent, utilities and food. Loss of financial support from a legal parent or stepparent must be verified.

A—2443 Crisis Criteria Three (TP 71 or 72)

Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013


The caretaker or second parent graduated from a university, college, junior college or technical training school within the 12 months before the application or process month, and is unemployed or underemployed. The caretaker or second parent must:

  • provide proof of degree or certificate of completion from a technical training school, junior college, college or university. This includes beauty, nursing or vocational school. The institution can be in or out of Texas;
  • not currently be enrolled in an institution of higher learning; and
  • have received TANF or an OTTANF benefit (in Texas) anytime in the 12 months before enrolling, or while attending a college, university, or technical training school. Attempt to verify prior receipt of TANF or OTTANF, but accept the individual's statement if TIERS records for that time are not available.

A—2444 Crisis Criteria Four (TP 71 or 72)

Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013


The caretaker and/or second parent is currently employed but still meets TANF requirements and is facing a crisis situation in the

  • two months before application,
  • application month, or
  • process month.

The crisis situations are:

  • Loss or potential loss of transportation — The applicant is unable to get to a job. The loss of a vehicle can be because of needed repairs, lack of insurance, necessary inspection, repossession, or threat of repossession.
  • Loss or potential loss of shelter — The household may lose shelter because of foreclosure, eviction, condemnation, or threat of any of these.
  • Medical emergency (60 days or less) — A caretaker/second parent has a medical emergency or is needed to provide temporary care for a household member who is ill or injured. The medical emergency can be for the applicant or a household member within the TANF degree of relationship. Do not apply this policy to individuals outside the home except for members who are in the hospital. A normal pregnancy or maternity leave is not a medical emergency.

A-2450, Issuing Benefits

Revision 05-4; Effective August 1, 2005

A—2451 Issuing OTTANF Benefits

Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013


Use the same timeliness processing standards for OTTANF as for the TANF program. (See B-100, Processes and Processing Time Frames.)

A—2451.1 Reissuing Benefits

Revision 23-3; Effective July 1, 2023


Use Form H1008-A, Warrant Inquiry/EBT Benefit Conversion and Affidavit for Non-Receipt of Warrant (PDF), for lost or stolen OTTANF warrants.

Fax Form H1008-A to HHS Accounting Operations within Fiscal Management Services at 512-487-3400. Staff may also scan and email the form to the HHS Warrant Issuance mailbox.

Write "OTTANF" across the top of the form.

When HHS Accounting Operations determines someone has cashed the warrant, HHSC eligibility staff may need to supply more information and take further action. HHS Accounting Operations contacts the HHSC eligibility staff member who submitted the Form H1008-A and may request items such as a copy of a police report filed by the TANF recipient and notarized statements from household members. See the related policy concerning cashed warrants.

Related Policy 

One-Time Payment Replacements, B-342
Warrant Cashed, B-342.2

A—2451.2 Switching from OTTANF to TANF

Revision 17-3; Effective July 1, 2017


When an applicant opts for OTTANF then decides to receive TANF, use the chart below to determine how to issue benefits:

If ...then ...
the OTTANF warrant has been issued but not cashed,
  • if the applicant has received the warrant, instruct the applicant to return the warrant to HHSC.
  • contact the IEE/TIERS Technical Help Desk to address any issues with the removal of the ineligible dates by emailing IEE_HELP@hhsc.state.tx.us or calling 800-214-4175 (Option 1).
    • If emailing, enter Cancelling OTTANF Benefits When Client Was Erroneously Certified for OTTANF Instead of TANF/TANF SP as the email subject line.
    • If calling, tell the Help Desk representative that your issue relates to “Cancelling OTTANF benefits when client was erroneously certified for OTTANF instead of TANF/TANF SP.”
  • cancel the OTTANF warrant using Form H1008-A, Warrant Inquiry/EBT Benefit Conversion and Affidavit for Non-receipt of Warrant (PDF), and request issuance of TANF benefits for the OTTANF grant effective month using Form H1008-A.
  • document the reason for the switch.
  • record the Help Desk ticket number in Case Comments.
the OTTANF warrant has been cashed,do not accept the $1,000 payment in the form of cash, cashier’s check or money order. The applicant is not allowed to switch in this situation.

A—2451.3 Switching from TANF to OTTANF

Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013


Do not allow applicants to switch from TANF to OTTANF once the TANF EDG has been certified. Exception: Follow procedures below only if HHSC did not explain or offer the applicant the OTTANF option.

  • Contact the IEE Help Desk via email at IEE_HELP@hhsc.state.tx.us or at 800-214-4175 (Option 1).
    • If emailing, enter Cancelling TANF Benefits When Client Was Erroneously Certified for TANF/TANF SP Instead of OTTANF as the email subject line.
    • If calling, tell the Help Desk representative that your issue relates to “Cancelling TANF benefits when client was erroneously certified for TANF/TANF SP instead of OTTANF.”
  • Submit a referral to recoup the TANF/TANF SP benefits already issued.
  • Withdraw TANF in the program page.
  • Pull the case back into Complete Action (if appropriate).
  • Record the Help Desk ticket number in Case Comments.

A—2452 Issuing One-Time TANF for Relatives Payments

Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022


Before certification, complete inquiries in both TIERS and the retired Grandparent Payment System (GPS) to ensure certified group members have not previously received a one-time Grandparent Payment. Inquire in TIERS to ensure certified group members have not received a Grandparent Payment or a One-Time TANF for Relatives payment.

The one-time Grandparent Payment is the same benefit as the One-Time TANF for Relatives, previously limited to grandparents. Therefore, staff must complete inquiries for both types of payments before certification. 

Inform recipients that they will receive the payment through the mail in the form of a warrant (check) and that the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) does not forward TANF warrants. The address HHSC has for the person and the address with the USPS must be the same.

A—2452.1 Reissuing One-Time TANF for Relatives Payments

Revision 23-3; Effective July 1, 2023


When a household reports the One-Time TANF for Relatives warrant as lost, destroyed, stolen or not received, complete Form H1084, Certification for Warrants Lost (PDF), Destroyed, Stolen or Not Received. Have the recipient sign the certification statement and send the form to HHS Accounting Operations.

When HHS Accounting Operations determines someone has cashed the warrant, HHSC eligibility staff may need to supply additional information and take further action. HHS Accounting Operations will contact the HHSC eligibility staff member who submitted the Form H1084 and may request items such as a copy of a police report filed by the TANF recipient and notarized statements from household members. See the related policy concerning cashed warrants.

Related Policy 

One-Time Payment Replacements, B-342
Warrant Cashed, B-342.2

A-2460, Verification Requirements

Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022


For One Time Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (OTTANF) Payments:

  • Verify the required members attended the workforce orientation.
  • Verify the household has lost or will lose transportation due to:
    • needed repairs;
    • repossession or threat of repossession;
    • lack of insurance;
    • necessary inspection; or
    • driver license.

Verify these conditions if the loss occurred during the application month, two months prior to the application month or the process month. Verify that the household has lost or will lose shelter due to:

  • foreclosure;
  • eviction; or
  • condemnation.

Verify these conditions if the loss occurred during the process month, application month or two months prior to the application month.

  • Verify:
    • the medical emergency;
    • that the medical emergency is temporary;
    • that the member (certified or not) is within the required degree of relationship; and
    • the member lives in the home.
  • Verify:
    • parental relationship; and
    • loss of financial support from the legal parent or stepparent.
  • Verify:
    • proof of graduation or certificate of completion from a college, university, junior college or technical training school.
    • that the person received TANF benefits in Texas.
    • TANF benefits have been cancelled prior to certifying the OTTANF EDG. 

For One-Time TANF for Relatives verify:

  • the age of the relative;
  • relationship;
  • that the relative is a caretaker or payee (or spouse of a caretaker or payee) of a related dependent child certified for TANF, and the parent of the child is not in the home;
  • that the family has gross income less than or equal to 200% of the FPL; and
  • that the family resources are less than or equal to TANF resource limits.

Related Policy

Limits, A-1220
Switching from TANF to OTTANF, A-2451.3
Questionable Information, C-920
Providing Verification, C-930

A-2470, Documentation Requirements

Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022


For OTTANF, document:

  • OTTANF verifications and an explanation of the household situation in case comments;
  • the household has been informed of the one-time payment at application and whether the caretaker requested or declined the payment; and
  • which of the following crisis criteria the applicant meets to qualify for OTTANF:
    • loss or potential loss of income;
    • loss of spousal support;
    • proof of graduation;
    • loss or potential loss of transportation;
    • loss or potential loss of shelter; or
    • medical emergency.

When verification is unavailable, document:

  • the person's statement;
  • the reason verification is unavailable; and
  • efforts made to obtain verification.

For One-Time TANF for Relatives, if the relative:

  • Is potentially eligible, document the household has been informed of the one-time payment at application or review and whether they requested or declined the payment.
  • Requests the payment, document:
    • TIERS and GPS inquiry was completed and whether the household did or did not previously receive a Grandparent Payment or One-Time TANF for Relatives;
    • the household's income and resources; and
    • that the requesting household meets the eligible relative caretaker or payee criteria.