A-2400, One Time Payments
A-2410, General Policy
Revision 13-2; Effective April 1, 2013
Revision 17-3; Effective July 1, 2017
One Time Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (OTTANF) provides $1,000 cash assistance for families in crisis. The intent of the OTTANF payment is to help solve a short-term crisis and divert households from ongoing TANF benefits. These families must
- meet all TANF eligibility requirements; and
- not currently receive TANF.
Note: Households who are active on Type Programs (TP) 07, 20 or 37 may apply for OTTANF.
A household has an option of receiving TANF or OTTANF if it meets one of four crisis criteria. Households who choose this option are not eligible to receive TANF, TANF-SP, or OTTANF payments for 12 months.
The following type programs (TPs) identify OTTANF Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs):
- TP 71 – for a one parent household; and
- TP 72 – for a two parent household based on incapacity or TANF-SP.
The following participation statutes are required for an OTTANF EDG:
- Eligible Adult – caretaker in an OTTANF household;
- Eligible Adult – second parent in an OTTANF household;
- Eligible Child – an eligible child in an OTTANF household; and
- Other Child – an SSI child
Related Policy
Certifying Children on Non-Parent Caretaker EDGs, A-223
Form H1072, One Time Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Acknowledgement
A—2412 One-Time TANF for Relatives
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
Provide a $1,000 supplemental payment to certain relatives caring for a related dependent child or children in the home, if the relative:
- is 25 or older. This includes those who turn 25 in the month the eligibility determination is made and couples in which one person is 25 or older (regardless of which one is the caretaker or payee);
- is a grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother or sister of the child or children and meets the TANF relationship requirement in the TANF and medical programs relationship chart. This includes to the degree of great or great-great for grandparents, aunts and uncles;
- is the caretaker or payee (or spouse of the caretaker or payee) of a TANF-certified child, including households who receive OTTANF;
- has a family gross income less than or equal to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL); and
- has resources less than or equal to the TANF resource limit of $1,000.
Note: A relative who is a payee is only required to meet the eligibility requirements noted above to qualify for the supplement. To be certified as a TANF caretaker, the relative must meet all TANF requirements.
No matter how many children are in the certified group, the relative receives a once in a lifetime single payment of $1,000. Once a relative receives a One-Time TANF for Relatives payment, the relative is not eligible to receive the payment again for other children who move into the home at a later time. Additionally, another relative cannot receive the payment for a child who has already received the payment.
The related dependent child must currently receive TANF or be newly certified for TANF (including open and close certifications).
- A relative does not qualify based solely on a related child in the home who receives SSI.
- One-Time TANF for Relatives was previously known as the TANF Grandparent Payment and was limited to grandparents. If the relative or a child was in a certified group that received the Grandparent Payment, they are not eligible for One-Time TANF for Relatives.
- The child’s cousins, nieces and nephews are not included in the list of potentially eligible relatives that can receive the One-Time TANF for Relatives payment.
Related Policy
Certifying Children on Non-Parent Caretaker EDGs, A-223
Limits, A-1220
Time Frames for Qualifying for Restored Benefits, B-820
Relationship Charts, C-1440