C—1441 Guide for Determining Relationship

Revision 13-3; Effective July 1, 2013

TANF and Medical Programs

This guide provides more detailed information about the eligibility requirements for relationship discussed in A-200, Household Composition, and A-520, Relationship. This guide is not all-inclusive.

When the child no longer lives with the relative listed below ...and the child now lives with ...can the person listed in Column B be a caretaker/payee for the child?
1. Mother1. Stepfather1. Yes
2. Father2. Stepmother2. Yes
3. Stepfather3. Stepfather's Spouse3. Yes
4. Stepmother4. Stepmother's Spouse4. Yes
5. Stepfather's Spouse5. New Spouse5. No
6. Stepmother's Spouse6. New Spouse6. No
*7. Grandmother7. Step Grandfather7. Yes
*8. Grandfather8. Step Grandmother8. Yes
*9. Step Grandfather9. New Spouse9. No
*10. Step Grandmother10. New Spouse10. No
11. Brother11. Sister-in-law11. Yes
12. Sister12. Brother-in-law12. Yes
13. Brother-in-law13. New Spouse13. No
14. Sister-in-law14. New Spouse14. No
15. Stepbrother15. Stepbrother's Spouse15. Yes
16. Stepbrother's Spouse16. New Spouse16. No
17. Stepsister17. Stepsister's Spouse17. Yes
18. Stepsister's Spouse18. New Spouse18. No
*19. Aunt19. Aunt's Spouse19. Yes
*20. Uncle20. Uncle's Spouse20. Yes
21. Aunt's Spouse21. New Spouse21. No
22. Uncle's Spouse22. New Spouse22. No
**23. First Cousin23. First Cousin's Spouse23. Yes
**24. First Cousin's Spouse24. New Spouse24. No
*25. Niece25. Niece's Spouse25. Yes
26. Niece's Spouse26. New Spouse26. No
*27. Nephew27. Nephew's Spouse27. Yes
28. Nephew's Spouse28. New Spouse28. No
*Extends to the degree of "Great-great" for items 19, 20, 25, and 27 and to the degree of "Great-great-great" for items 7, 8, 9 and 10.

**Extends to the first cousin once removed.



C—1442 Guide for Determining Extended Relationships

Revision 06-1; Effective January 1, 2006

Extended Relationships Chart