A-410, General Policy

Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015

All Programs except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, TP 36 and TP 45

All applicants must provide a Social Security number (SSN) or apply for one through the Social Security Administration (SSA) before certification, unless they meet one of the criteria in this section.

Exception: Undocumented aliens are not required to apply for an SSN.

Non-applicants are not required to provide an SSN or proof of an application for an SSN. When non-applicants provide an SSN, advisors may attempt to verify the SSN using the procedures explained in A-440, Verification Requirements. If verification is not available through electronic data sources, verification of the non-applicant’s SSN must not be requested from the applicant.


Children age six months or younger are not required to provide proof of an application for an SSN. Newborns may receive benefits with the household without providing proof of an application for an SSN for the later of:

  • six months following the child's birth, or
  • the next recertification/complete review.

Applicants eligible for expedited service may receive initial benefits without providing or applying for an SSN. Initial benefits can include the first two months if receiving a combined allotment.

Applicants who cannot provide required proof to apply for an SSN may receive the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for each month they have good cause. Good cause exists when circumstances beyond the individual's control prevent the individual from securing proof required to obtain an SSN.

Medical Programs except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, TP 36 and TP 45

Applicants do not need to provide an SSN if they meet any of the following good cause reasons:

  • They are not eligible to receive an SSN;
  • They do not have an SSN and may only be issued an SSN for a valid non-work reason; or
  • They refuse to obtain an SSN because of a well-established religious objection. A well-established religious objection exists when the applicant:
    • is a member of a recognized religious sect or division of the sect; and
    • adheres to the tenets or teachings of the sect or division of the sect and for that reason is conscientiously opposed to applying for or using a national identification number.

TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35 and TP 36

Undocumented aliens applying for Emergency Medicaid are not required to provide an SSN.

TP 45

SSN requirements do not apply to TP 45.

If a TP 45 child has an SSN, advisors enter the SSN at Application Registration or during Data Collection in the Individual Information page. If the child does not have an SSN, advisors may refer the parent or caretaker to the SSA to complete Form SS-5, Application for Social Security Number.

A—411 Determining Staff Action at Application

Revision 20-2; Effective April 1, 2020

All Programs except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, TP 36 and TP 45

If the applicant ... then ...
  • cannot provide an SSN;*
  • provides an SSN that the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) will not accept as valid; or
  • provides Form SSA-5028, Receipt for Application for an SSN, that is more than 30 days old,
  • refer the applicant to the local Social Security Administration (SSA) office using a separate Form H1106, Enumeration Referral, for each member needing a Social Security Number (SSN); and
  • pend the application until SSA returns Form H1106 verifying the applicant has completed the application process.

    Exception: Follow policy in A-410, General Policy, for the applicable exceptions, by program.

  • provides Form SSA-5028 (not more than 30 days old); or
  • provides Form SSA-2853, Message From Social Security, that is not more than 180 days old,
  • accept the form as proof that the applicant applied for an SSN;
  • tell the applicant to report the SSN when the applicant receives it; and
  • enter the SSN in the Eligibility Determination Group (EDG), when reported.

Note: Follow policy in A-412, Action at TANF and Medical Program Redetermination — Forms SSA-5028 or SSA-2853, for action to take at the next periodic review for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Medicaid recipients.

provides an SSN,
  • enter the SSN at Application Registration or during Data Collection in the Individual Information page.
  • Run State Online Query (SOLQ) during Data Collection if it is not automatically invoked by TIERS. Follow policy in A-413, SSN Validation Through State Online Query (SOLQ), if SOLQ verifies the SSN with a SSN Verification Code of F or X or does not verify the SSN.
provides an SSN but indicates the name and/or date of birth on record with SSA is not correct,
  • enter the SSN at Application Registration or during Data Collection in the Individual Information page; and
  • refer the applicant to the local SSA office to update the person’s SSA file using Form H1106. Do not pend the application for SSA's response. Exception: If SOLQ verifies the SSN with the SSN Verification Code of F or X or does not verify the SSN, follow policy in A-413.
provides an SSN but wants a replacement for a lost card,
  • enter the SSN at Application Registration or during Data Collection in the Individual Information page; and
  • refer the applicant to the local SSA office without Form H1106; and
  • inform applicants age 18 and older that replacement SSN cards can be requested online by visiting the SSA.

* If the applicant cannot provide an SSN because the applicant is a documented alien without work authorization, refer the applicant to the local SSA office using Form H1106.

Explain the following to applicants applying for an SSN:

  • the type of proof they must take to SSA to obtain an SSN (see page 2 of Form H1106, Proofs You Need to Apply for a Social Security Number Card, for common types of proof);
  • the referral procedure and the results of any delay;
  • that SSA must conduct a face-to-face interview with a person age 18 or over applying for an original SSN; and
  • that a person applying for someone else (including an adult applying for a child) must provide proof of that person's own identity in addition to proof needed for the SSN application.

When an applicant takes Form H1106 to the SSA office, SSA:

  • determines whether the applicant is eligible for an SSN;
  • submits Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card, for those eligible; and
  • adds information to Form H1106 or provides another SSA receipt or letter verifying the applicant completed the SSN application process.

Follow policy in A-420, Failure to Comply, if the applicant does not return Form H1106 with entries made by SSA, or another receipt or letter, verifying that an application for an SSN was submitted for each applicant by the 30th day after the file date, or later, to allow at least 10 days.


If the applicant cannot complete the SSN application process in a timely manner, explain the procedure for claiming good cause. If the applicant claims to have good cause for not complying in a timely manner, determine whether good cause applies. The application is not pended for SSA's response if good cause applies.

Related Policy

General Policy, A-410
Action at TANF and Medical Programs Redetermination, A-412
Social Security Number (SSN) Validation Through State Online Query (SOLQ), A-413
Failure to Comply, A-420

A—412 Action at TANF and Medical Program Redetermination — Forms SSA-5028 or SSA-2853

Revision 20-2; Effective April 1, 2020

TANF and Medical Programs, except TP 43, TP 44, TP 45 and TP 48

Provide the person with Form H1106, Enumeration Referral, at the next complete review when:

  • Form SSA-5028 or SSA-2853 is accepted at application,
  • the form is no longer current; and
  • no SSN has been received.

Inform the applicant that the form must be returned within 60 days. Explain to the person the consequence of noncompliance.

The complete review must not be pended for the return of Form H1106. Set a special review for the end of the 60-day period. Follow procedures in A-420, Failure to Comply, for noncompliance if:

  • Form H1106 is not returned by the deadline; and
  • an SSN is not received.

If an SSN is provided at the next complete review, enter the SSN during Data Collection and run SOLQ if it is not automatically invoked by TIERS. Follow policy in A-413, Social Security Number (SSN) Validation Through State Online Query (SOLQ), if SOLQ

  • verifies the SSN with a SSN Verification Code of F or X; or
  • does not verify the SSN.

TP 43, TP 44 and TP 48

Follow the procedures above, but do not set a special review. Check for compliance at the next review.

Related Policy

Social Security Number (SSN) Validation, A-413
Failure to Comply, A-420

A—413 Social Security Number (SSN) Validation Through State Online Query (SOLQ)

Revision 23-1; Effective Jan. 1, 2023

All Programs except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, TP 36 and TP 45

A person’s SSN is verified when all the demographic information provided by the person matches the information available in SOLQ. When the information matches, TIERS will display the SSN as validated. If the SSN is not verified, TIERS will display in the SOLQ screen the reason why the SSN is not verified.

SSN Verified

A person’s SSN is verified when SOLQ provides one of the following SSN Verification Codes:

  • F: SSN is verified, but last name does not match SSN (an indication that the person has changed their last name due to marriage, divorce or adoption);
  • M, P, R and V: SSN is verified; or
  • X: Data exists that the validated SSN belongs to a person who is deceased.

When a person’s SSN is verified with SOLQ, but information given by the SSA shows that the person is deceased (code X) or that the name does not match (code F), the person’s identity is questionable. Clear the discrepancy before disposing the case action. If the person does not provide the information needed to clear the discrepancy, either disqualify or deny the person using failure to comply policy. Exception: When processing expedited SNAP benefits or Medicaid for Pregnant Women, certify the person with a validated SSN with verification code F or X if unable to clear the discrepancy by viewing case documentation, or contacting the household by phone. Postpone verification needed to clear the discrepancy to meet expedited processing time frames.

Note: If a person with a SOLQ verified SSN requests to change their name, date of birth or gender, the person must first update their information through the Social Security Administration.

SSN Not Verified

If the person’s SSN is not verified with SOLQ, review the information on the application and other supporting documents and update any information entered incorrectly. After making corrections, manually invoke SOLQ to re-run the verification process.

If the person’s identity is not questionable and the SSN remains unverified after re-running the SOLQ verification process, try to contact the person by phone to clear the SSN discrepancy. If unable to clear the discrepancy by phone and:

  • No other information is required to determine eligibility, certify the person if all other eligibility requirements are met.
  • Other information is required to determine eligibility, include the request for information to clear the SSN discrepancy on Form H1020, Request for Information or Action.
    • Manually generate the Form H1020 and attach the Form HRG-83, SSN Maintenance Memorandum, before mailing.

If the person:

  • Returns all requested information and staff verify the SSN, certify the person if all other eligibility requirements are met.
  • Returns all requested information, but staff are unable to verify the SSN with the information provided, certify the person if all other eligibility requirements are met.
  • Returns information, but not the information to clear the SSN discrepancy, certify the person if all other eligibility requirements are met.
  • Does not return requested information, disqualify or deny the person.

If the person’s identity is questionable, request information to clear the discrepancy. If the information is not provided or the information provided does not clear the discrepancy, disqualify, or deny the person.

If unable to verify a person’s SSN via SOLQ, the monthly SSA interface will attempt to validate the SSN. If the monthly interface does not validate the SSN, TIERS generates Alert 268, Social Security Administration Unable to Verify SSN (RG-83), or Alert 269, Social Security Administration Reports a Duplicate SSN, to address the discrepancy.

Related Policy

Social Security Numbers (SSNs), A-144.1

Postponed Verification Procedures, A-145.1

Failure to Comply, A-420

SSN Discrepancy Clearance Procedures, A-432

Verification Requirements, A-440

Questionable Information, C-920

A-420, Failure to Comply

Revision 24-2; Effective April 1, 2024


If an application is certified but a household member is disqualified, notification of the person’s disqualification is included on the comment section of Form TF0001, Notice of Case Action.

Related Policy

TANF — Budgeting for a Household Member Disqualified for Noncompliance with SSN, TPR, Failure to Timely Report a Certified Child's Temporary Absence, Intentional Program Violation, Being a Fugitive or a Felony Drug Conviction, A-1362.2
SNAP — Budgeting for Members Disqualified for Citizenship, SNAP ABAWD Work Requirement or Noncompliance with Social Security Number Requirements, A-1362.3


Disqualify a required member of the certified group who fails to comply without good cause.

Exception: Deny TANF if the:

  • only eligible child or otherwise eligible person does not comply; or
  • caretaker or payee refuses to cooperate and eligibility cannot be determined for the other members.


Disqualify an applicant who fails to comply unless a social security number (SSN) cannot be provided because:

Exception: Follow policy in A-410 for the following situations:

  • the person is a child under six months;
  • the household is eligible for expedited service; or
  • good cause exists for the applicant.

Related Policy 

General Policy, A-410

Medical Programs except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, TP 36 and TP 45

Deny a person's eligibility if they fail to comply with the SSN requirements unless they meet a good cause reason. Denying a person’s eligibility who does not comply with SSN requirements does not impact the eligibility for any other people applying for or receiving Medical Program benefits.

Related Policy

General Policy, A-410

A—421 Reestablishing Eligibility

Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015


If a member is disqualified at application and later complies, the individual is included effective the month after being notified of the compliance.

A-430, Proof Required by SSA

Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015

All Programs except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, TP 36 and TP 45

The proof required to get an SSN is shown in the table below, except for special situations that are listed in A-431, Special Situations. The proof needed depends on:

  • place of birth;
  • citizenship status; and
  • whether the request is for an original, duplicate, or corrected SSN.
If the applicant is a/an ... applying for ... then the applicant must furnish proof of ...
U.S. citizen born in the U.S., an original SSN, age, identity, and citizenship.
U.S. citizen born in the U.S., a duplicate SSN, identity.
U.S. citizen born outside the U.S., an original SSN, age, identity, and citizenship.
U.S. citizen born outside the U.S., a duplicate SSN, identity and citizenship.
alien, an original SSN, age, identity, and lawful alien status.
alien, a duplicate SSN, identity and lawful alien status.

Note: To correct/update SSN information, the applicant must provide proof required for a duplicate SSN as well as proof showing the new information.

Acceptable Proof

The documents must be originals, or copies made by the custodian of the record, such as a county clerk or registrar. SSA will return all documents submitted to SSA.

Proof of Age and Citizenship

A birth certificate is the preferred proof.

If no birth certificate is available, a U.S.-born citizen may furnish:

  • a religious record showing age or date of birth (to establish citizenship, it must have been recorded within three months of birth);
  • a hospital birth record;
  • a notice of birth registration; or
  • other documents, at least one year old, that show:
    • name,
    • age or date of birth, and
    • place of birth.

If no birth certificate is available, a foreign-born U.S. citizen may furnish a:

  • U.S. Consular Report of Birth,
  • U.S. Citizen Identification Card (Form I-197),
  • Certificate of U.S. Citizenship (Form N-560),
  • U.S. Passport, or
  • Certificate of Naturalization (Form N-550 or N-570).

Proof of lawful alien status:

  • I-551, Permanent Resident Card (Resident Alien Card);
  • I-151, Alien Registration Receipt Card;
  • I-94, Arrival-Departure Record; or
  • I-688A, Employment Authorization Card.

Proof of Identity

Proof of identity must contain enough information to identify the applicant, such as name, age or date of birth, address, signature, and physical description. Examples of acceptable documents are:


Identity card Adoption record
Work identification card Medical record/vaccination record
Driver's license Insurance policy
U.S. passport School record/report card
Marriage or divorce record Voter registration

A—431 Special Situations

Revision 19-4; Effective October 1, 2019

All Programs except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, TP 36 and TP 45

The following situations require special handling.

  • If the SSN applicant is a non-U.S. citizen who traditionally uses a name order different from the customary U.S. name order (first name, middle name, last or family name), determine name order according to U.S. custom and enter appropriately on Form H1106, Enumeration Referral.
Example: Vietnamese name on I-94: Nguyen Thi Mai
- last first middle
Enter on Form H1106: Thi Mai Nguyen


A—432 SSN Discrepancy Clearance Procedures

Revision 20-2; Effective April 1, 2020

All Programs except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, TP 36 and TP 45

If an SSN is not verified via SOLQ, the monthly SSA interface attempts to verify a person’s SSN after certification. If a person’s SSN cannot be verified during the interface, or a duplicate SSN is found, TIERS generates either:

  • Alert 268, Social Security Administration Unable to Verify SSN (RG-83) when the information does not match. This triggers the Task List Manager (TLM) Alert 268, Agency Generated Change – Social Security Administration Unable to Verify SSN (RG-83) for Client (Individual ID) XXXXXXXXX and routes it to the Customer Care Center (CCC) for case action; or
  • Alert 269, Duplicate SSN for Individual Number, when the SSN is a duplicate. This triggers the TLM task Alert 269: Agency Generated Change - Social Security Administration Reports a Duplicate SSN XXXXXXXXXX, and routes it to the CCC for case action.  

Upon receipt of Alert 268 or Alert 269, research the case and contact the household to clear the discrepant or duplicate SSN. If staff are unable to clear the discrepant or duplicate SSN and the person does not have good cause for not providing a SSN, TIERS sends the household the following correspondence, allowing a 60-day period for the discrepancy to be cleared:

  • Form TF0001, Notice of Case Action, with the following language in the Notes section of the form:
    The individual is granted extra time to resolve the problem with their Social Security Number.

    We need proof that you have gone to the Social Security Administration to resolve the issue with XXXXXXX XXXXX’s Social Security Number by XX/XX/XXXX. If we don’t receive the proof, your XXXXXX benefits will end.
  • Form H-RG83, SSN Maintenance Memorandum, instructing the household to go the Social Security Administration (SSA) office in order correct or update the person’s Social Security records.

SSA staff will assist the person in completing an application to correct or update their Social Security records and will provide them with Form SSA-5028, Receipt for Application for a Social Security Number, as proof.  

If the person’s SSN has not been validated by the 60th day from the date the TF0001 and Form H-RG83 are sent, staff are prompted to review the case via Alert #796, Reasonable Opportunity Period has Expired for EDG #.

If the person fails to cooperate in clearing the discrepancy with the SSA or if the SSN has not been validated, follow policy in A-420, Failure to Comply to disqualify or deny the person. Note: This 60-day period is different from the reasonable opportunity period that Medicaid applicants are allowed to provide verification of U.S. citizenship or an eligible alien status, where that verification is unavailable when the person applies.  

If TIERS shows the SSN as verified, but the SSN needs to be corrected, send a memorandum with the correct SSN to State Office Data Integrity (SODI) to make a change:

SODI Section, Data Base Support

P.O. Box 14930, MC Y92-2

Or fax to Data Base Support at 512-706-7140.

Or send the request to the Data Integrity email box at HHSC_DI_Biographical Corrections@hhsc.state.tx.us.

SODI staff notifies the staff member by memo when the change is made.

Related Policy

Failure to Comply, A-420

A-440, Verification Requirements

Revision 20-2; Effective April 1, 2020

All Programs except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, TP 36 and TP 45

Verify that a household member applied for a SSN when the applicant cannot provide an SSN. Refer to A-410, General Policy, for applicable exceptions, by program.

SSNs are verified through:

  • State Online Query (SOLQ) being invoked during Data Collection. Verification of an SSN via this process is identified in both the Individual Household Summary page with a checkmark in the box by the person’s SSN and a checkmark in the Validated by SSA checkbox on either the Data Collection/Add New Individual page, the Modify Non File Cleared Individual page, or the Edit Existing Individual page.
  • The monthly SSA interface. Verification of an SSN via this process is identified in the Individual Summary Page when the SSA box is checked for the individual.

Medical Programs except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, TP 36 and TP 45

Follow policy in A-351.2, Using State Online Query (SOLQ) or Wire Third-Party Query (WTPY) to Verify Citizenship, for verifying SSN using SOLQ or Wire Third-Party Query (WTPY).

If unable to verify the SSN using SOLQ or WTPY:

  • Review the information entered into the SOLQ or WTPY request with the information provided by the applicant. If a typographical error is found, submit a new SOLQ or WTPY request with the correct information.
  • If no typographical errors are found, contact the applicant by phone to ensure the information provided is accurate. If the applicant provides new information, submit another SOLQ or WTPY request with the correct information. Update the EDG record with the correct information.
  • If unable to contact the applicant by phone, send the applicant Form H1020, Request for Information or Action, to request verification of the applicant’s SSN along with any additional information needed. Allow the person 10 days to provide proof.
  • If the person fails to cooperate in clearing the discrepancy with the SSA, follow policy in A-420, Failure to Comply.

Follow policy in A-410 to verify all good cause reasons to providing an SSN.

Related Policy

Questionable Information, C-920
Providing Verification, C-930

A—441 Verification Sources

Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015

All Programs

For SSN discrepancies or SSNs that cannot be verified through the SSA interface, SOLQ, or WTPY, the applicant must provide one of the following:

  • Copy of the SSN card; or
  • Social Security Administration letter confirming the SSN.

Acceptable proof of application of an SSN includes:

  • Form SSA-5028, Receipt for Application for an SSN, less than 30 days old;
  • Form SSA-2853, Message From Social Security, less than 180 days old; and
  • Form H1106, Enumeration Referral.

Medical Programs

Form H1106, completed by the Social Security Administration, is the acceptable verification source for not providing an SSN due to ineligibility to receive an SSN or eligibility to receive an SSN only for a valid non-work reason. Advisors must review the response provided by the SSA on the Form H1106 to determine which good cause reason the applicant meets.

Acceptable sources of verification for a well-established religious objection include:

  • an approved IRS Form 4029, Application for Exemption from Social Security and Medicare Taxes and Waiver of Benefits; or
  • a letter from a leader of the religious organization, a document setting out the tenets of the religious organization which justify the good cause reason, or a similar document.

Note: If the source of verification for a religious exemption is questionable, advisors must contact their supervisor who will coordinate with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) regional attorneys to ensure the documentation is sufficient.

A-450, Documentation Requirements

Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015

All Programs except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, TP 36 and TP 45

In the Data Collection/Individual Demographics-SSN/Armed Services page, the advisor must enter the date the individual was given Form SSA-5028, Receipt for Application for an SSN, or Form SSA-2853, Message From Social Security, or the date the applicant returned Form H1106, Enumeration Referral. For EDGs with an individual currently being enumerated, the advisor sends the following documents for imaging:

  • Form H1106,
  • a copy of Form SSA-5028, or
  • a copy of Form SSA-2853.

Advisors must document that the SSA enumerated the individual or was unable to do so.

Related Policy

Documentation, C-940


Advisors must document good cause claims according to A-410, General Policy.

Related Policy
The Texas Works Documentation Guide