R-4000, Automated Data Exchanges and Tape Matches

Revision 21-3; Effective September 1, 2021

HHSC periodically receives information through a data exchange with the Social Security Administration via electronic files. Some exchanges automatically update data in TIERS, while others provide potentially new income or resource information. The more common exchanges and tape matches are described in the following sections.

R-4100, Beneficiary and Earnings Data Exchange

Revision 12-2; Effective June 1, 2012

The Beneficiary and Earnings Data Exchange (BENDEX) is an automated data information exchange received from SSA. HHSC initiates the process by sending SSA a tape containing a person's identifying information. The BENDEX data is SSA's response. The data exchange is performed twice per month.

BENDEX data matches SSA recipient information against the TIERS information. Data matches include recipient's name, sex, date of birth, Social Security number, Social Security claim number and RSDI amount. Should there be a discrepancy in data, an ALERT will be generated for the individual case in the Task List Manager (TLM) and sent to the eligibility specialist for clearance.

At the time of SSA's annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), HHSC receives a BENDEX that is used to update RSDI amounts on all current cases.

R-4110 Social Security Administration Deceased Individual Report

Revision 12-3; Effective September 1, 2012

The Deceased Individual Report from SSA identifies individuals receiving benefits from both SSA and HHSC who have been reported as deceased to SSA. SSA provides the date of death reported to their agency.

R-4200, State Data Exchange

Revision 12-2; Effective June 1, 2012

The State Data Exchange (SDX) is an automated data information exchange received from SSA. The SDX tape contains all newly certified Texas SSI recipients and current SSI recipients with updated/changed information. HHSC normally receives SDX data five to six times per month, but not necessarily weekly.

SDX data matches SSI recipient information against all case and client information.

R-4210 Contacting Data Integrity

Revision 12-2; Effective June 1, 2012

Incorrect SSI information can be temporarily changed or corrected by the Office of Eligibility Services (OES), Business Services, Data Integrity area. Processing of the next SDX tape with updated information on that person will override temporary information entered by Data Integrity. Permanent corrections or changes must be completed by SSA and will be reflected on subsequent SDX tapes.

Staff can request the Data Integrity area make a temporary correction. Staff must also inform the person of the need to make a permanent correction at the local SSA office. A person should never be told to contact the Data Integrity area directly. Follow local procedures for contacting Data Integrity.

R-4300, Income and Eligibility Verification System

Revision 21-3; Effective September 1, 2021

The Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) was established to conduct data matches as part of the verification process for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicaid programs. IEVS data includes taxable income reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Income may have been earned through existing resources or generated by the liquidation of a resource. IEVS data also includes unemployment insurance benefits (UIB), wage information from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) and self-employment and earned data from the Social Security Administration (SSA).

An annual IRS data match is processed on all active recipients in August or September to obtain data from the last tax year. The system receives quarterly wage data from TWC and the annual self-employment and earned data from SSA. The files are run against the system of record using the Social Security number and first four letters of the recipient's last name. If a match occurs, the Automated System for Office of Inspector General (ASOIG) application will create, assign and distribute an IEVS worksheet to the designated MEPD specialists for review

The Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 and IEVS regulations require state agencies to safeguard the IEVS match data.

Related Policy

Safeguarding Federal Income Data, C-2400
System Generated IEVS Worksheets Legends for IRS Tax Data, Appendix XVII

R-4400, Employees and Teacher Retirement System

Revision 20-1; Effective March 1, 2020

HHSC matches the names of active recipients with the benefits records of the Texas Teachers Retirement System (TRS) and the Employees Retirement System (ERS). The TRS/ERS tape match is conducted quarterly and generates a report with the gross and net income amount and any deductions. TIERS automatically updates the appropriate income record. If unable to update the income record automatically, TIERS creates tasks for staff to verify the income.

Matches are conducted during the first week of the following months:

  • March;
  • June;
  • September; and
  • December.

The system will also provide information when ERS/TRS issues a one-time supplemental payment (13th check) for cost-of-living increases or other adjustments of benefits. This one-time payment (13th check) from ERS/TRS is countable income and considered an irregular payment.

The ERS/TRS match is considered acceptable verification. If the information received differs from the information in the case record, TIERS will generate alerts indicating additional action is needed from staff to clear the discrepancy.

To verify income for new applicants, send Form H1297, Request for Information from Teacher Retirement System of Texas, to request verification of the TRS income or Form H1214, Request for Pension Information, to request verification of ERS income. The form must be annotated to indicate the person is a new applicant.

 Related Policy

Documentation and Verification Guide, Appendix XVI
Other Annuities, Pensions and Retirement Plans, E-4400
Infrequent or Irregular Income, E-9000
When to Apply the Infrequent or Irregular Exclusion, E-9300

R-4500, Reserved for Future Use

Revision 20-1; Effective March 1, 2020

R-4600, Public Assistance Reporting Information System

Revision 21-3; Effective September 1, 2021

HHS uses the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) data match. This use ensures people enrolled in Medicaid or other public assistance benefits in one state are not receiving duplicate benefits based on simultaneous enrollment in the Medicaid program or other public benefit programs in another state.

The Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG’s) clearance action on interstate worksheets must have the recipient's residency verified by the verification letter OIG 5079, Request for Verification of Residence.

HHS IEVS staff performing clearance action on PARIS matches related to MEPD Programs use the manual Form H1020, Request for Information or Action, for verification of residence requests.

Selection of “Interstate” allows authorized staff access to PARIS worksheets.

ASOIG allows authorized users to access reports, view and clear worksheets, create referrals, create interstate referrals, view and add comments, search and transfer worksheets, view related worksheets and generate correspondence.

HHS IEVS staff do not print the OIG 5079.