Revision 12-2; Effective June 1, 2012

The State Data Exchange (SDX) is an automated data information exchange received from SSA. The SDX tape contains all newly certified Texas SSI recipients and current SSI recipients with updated/changed information. HHSC normally receives SDX data five to six times per month, but not necessarily weekly.

SDX data matches SSI recipient information against all case and client information.

R-4210 Contacting Data Integrity

Revision 12-2; Effective June 1, 2012

Incorrect SSI information can be temporarily changed or corrected by the Office of Eligibility Services (OES), Business Services, Data Integrity area. Processing of the next SDX tape with updated information on that person will override temporary information entered by Data Integrity. Permanent corrections or changes must be completed by SSA and will be reflected on subsequent SDX tapes.

Staff can request the Data Integrity area make a temporary correction. Staff must also inform the person of the need to make a permanent correction at the local SSA office. A person should never be told to contact the Data Integrity area directly. Follow local procedures for contacting Data Integrity.