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    The San Angelo State Supported Living Center serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who need medical, habilitative, or behavioral support beyond what’s available to them in the community.

    Topics: Disability, Health

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    Mexia State Supported Living Center serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who need medical, habilitative or behavioral supports beyond what’s available to them in the community.

    Topics: Health, Disability

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    Join the fight against the fentanyl crisis by learning what fentanyl is and get connected to resources to help you and your community.

    Topics: Children, Health, Mental Health, Substance Use, Safety

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    The Lubbock State Supported Living Center serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who need medical, habilitative or behavioral supports beyond what’s available to them in the community.

    Topics: Health, Disability, Jobs

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    The Lufkin State Supported Living Center serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who need medical, habilitative or behavioral supports beyond what’s available to them in the community.

    Topics: Health, Disability, Jobs

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    The Austin State Supported Living Center serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who need medical, habilitative, or behavioral supports beyond what’s available to them in the community.

    Topics: Disability, Health

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    The Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) has continued to take a planned approach in implementation of Community-Based Care, along with the Office of Community-Based Care Transition to provide support services to children and families for the safety, permanency and well-being of children in DFPS legal conservatorship.

    Topics: Child Care Licensing/Regulation, Health, Children

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    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government declared a public health emergency (PHE) and passed a law that allowed you to automatically keep your Medicaid coverage (continuous Medicaid). Based on new federal law, continuous Medicaid coverage ended March 31, 2023, so you need to renew your benefits when it’s time to ensure your coverage will continue if you are eligible.

    Topics: Health, Benefits, Data

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    Are you pregnant and considering adoption? Have you already delivered and are unable to care for your newborn? Adoption agencies, also known as child placing agencies, help match birth mothers with adoptive families.

    Topics: Health, Women, Children

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    The MOM Model is a new program that can help pregnant women who have Medicaid get treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) during and after their pregnancy.

    Topics: Health, Women, Substance Use

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    Women who are eligible for Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer (MBCC) receive full Medicaid benefits including cancer treatments and reconstruction. MBCC services are administered in the STAR+PLUS program through a Managed Care Organization (MCO) of the member's choice

    Topics: Benefits, Health, Women

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    ECI providers use a coaching approach to work with families when delivering early intervention services. During the coaching process, parents become equipped to teach their child new skills.

    Topics: Children, Disability, Health

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    Contact information for health plans.

    Topics: Benefits, Health, Contact

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    HHS COVID-19 Case Data includes the number of reported cases at facilities operated or regulated by HHSC and the names of long-term care facilities that HHSC has approved for limited visitation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Topics: COVID-19, Data, Health

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    In partnership with Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), Medicaid provides a managed care program, STAR Health.

    Topics: Benefits, Health

287 items found.