Employer Posters
All HHS agency facilities must display the three posters below and all required versions in employee common areas. Common areas are break rooms and lobbies and areas where other notices are posted, such as glass display cases or notice boards. Posters in English and Spanish must be prominently displayed so that they are easily visible.
“Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law”
Size: 17” x 22” (requires special-size paper).
Language Translations: Poster is available in English, Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese. At a minimum, you must post English and Spanish versions.
Order Information: This poster was updated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in November 2009. HHS offices are required to prominently display the newly revised poster or the old poster with a supplemental information sheet. To order the new posters or to download the supplemental information sheets, visit the EEOC website or contact them by calling 1-800-669-4000. There is no charge for the poster or shipping.
“The Law in Texas”
Size: 8.5” x 11” (standard size sheet of paper).
Download Information: Contact the Texas Workforce Commission, Civil Rights Division at (888) 452-4778.