What Types of Programs Can Be Offered by Child Day Care Operations?

Accredited Child Care Operations

An accredited operation elects to follow higher standards established by an accrediting organization. These standards are higher than the required minimum standards established by Child Care Regulation.

Child Care Regulation doesn’t approve or regulate accrediting organizations for child day care operations, and doesn’t track accreditation for all regulated child day care operations.

Child Care Scholarships (Subsidies)

Many child care operations accept scholarships (subsidies) from the Texas Workforce Commission, which pays for all or part of a child's care based on eligibility guidelines.

Alternative Care Program (also known as drop-in care)

“Drop-in care” is when an operation accepts a child into care on an as-needed basis, though a child cannot be in care for more than five consecutive days or more than 15 days in a month.

Skill Classes

Skill classes refer to operations that teach a skill, talent, ability, expertise or proficiency.

Part-Time Care

Part-time care is when an operation provides care for part of a day or week.

Weekend Care

Weekend care is when an operation provides care to a child on Saturday, Sunday, or both.

Night Care

Night care (or nighttime care) is when an operation provides care to a child between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Night care doesn’t include the occasional sleepover.

Get Well Care

Get well care is when a licensed child care center provides care for children who are ill.