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    Some people need help managing their daily affairs because of their age, a disease or an injury. If this happens, a court of law may appoint a guardian for them.

    Topics: Policy, Health Care Facilities Regulation, Aging

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    This page contains regional summaries and RHP Plan Updates for DRSIP Providers.

    Topics: Policy

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    This page contains information about HHS' renewal of the CMS 1115 waivers

    Topics: Policy

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    This page is a summary of the federal Older Americans Act, first enacted in 1965 and amended in 2006.

    Topics: Aging, Policy

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    These agencies are committed to protecting your civil rights, as defined by law. HHS agencies and their contractors and licensees must not discriminate against you in the provision of services, directly or through contractual or other arrangements.

    Topics: Policy, Complaints

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    HHSC has received federal approval of a waiver that allows the state to expand Medicaid managed care while preserving hospital funding, provides incentive payments for health care improvements and directs more funding to hospitals that serve large numbers of uninsured patients.

    Topics: Policy

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    The Texas Administrative Code is a compilation of all state agency rules in Texas. There are 17 titles in the TAC; each title represents a category and related agencies are assigned to the appropriate title.

    Topics: Policy

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    The Surrogate Decision-making Program (SDMP) is a legislatively mandated process which authorizes actively involved family members and committees comprised of trained volunteers to provide written informed consent for individuals residing in community-based ICF/IID who have no legal guardian and who lack the ability to make certain treatment decisions for themselves.

    Topics: Policy

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    More information about being a surrogate decision maker for your family member is found here.

3226 items found.