Reports and Presentations

Note: These files are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.

Annual Report State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program - State Fiscal Year 2023

This report includes information and findings relating to the problems and concerns of residents and recommendations to solve the problems, resolve the concerns, and improve the quality of the residents’ care and lives.

State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee - Annual Report 2023

Written report to the Executive Commissioner on the State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee activities and policy recommendations on the statewide implementation and operation of Medicaid managed care in 2022-2023.

Independent Living Services - Annual Report 2023

The annual report includes data from fiscal years 2022 and 2023 on the use of funds appropriated in Strategy F.2.1, ILS, by the Centers for Independent Living (CILs), including the number of individuals served, breakdown of services provided, performance targets, and other information HHSC deems necessary to ensure accounting of the use of funds in Strategy F.2.1, ILS.

Report on the Mental Health Program for Veterans - Fiscal Year 2023

This is a report on a program that provides peer counseling services, training, technical assistance and other mental health related services to staff, community partners, service members, veterans, and their family members.

COVID-19 Funding to Nursing Facilities and Hospitals - 2023

The report includes any temporary rate increases provided to nursing facilities related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Any facilities that do not provide information requested by the commission necessary to complete the report are identified in the report.

Reporting of Maintenance of Effort for Federal Grants - 2023

This report contains the maintenance of effort information for federal grants received by HHSC as of March 2023.

Annual Revenue and Expenditure Report - Fiscal Year 2023

This report outlines the revenue and expenses associated with the directed payment programs and demonstrates that the funds are mostly sufficient to cover the cost.

Biannual Therapy Access Monitoring Report - December 2023

The sixteenth report with analysis of selected data related to pediatric acute care therapy services (including physical, occupational, and speech therapies) and assessment of impact on access to care.

State Owned Housing Report - Fiscal Year 2023

Agencies that provide employee housing shall report to the LBB annually: the estimated fair market rental value of housing supplied by the agency; and the amount of revenue (if any) recovered.

Mental Health Appropriations and Federal Matching Opportunities - 2023

GR funds to be used to the extent possible to draw down additional federal funds through the 1115 Transformation Waiver or other federal matching opportunities.