Reports and Presentations

Note: These files are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.

Revised Texas Promoting Independence Plan - 2020

The Promoting Independence Plan reports on the status of the implementation of a plan to ensure appropriate care settings for persons with disabilities, and the provision of a system of services and supports that foster independence and productivity, including meaningful opportunities for a person with a disability to live in the most appropriate care setting.

Evaluation of Children's Hospital Reimbursement - December 2020

This report provides an evaluation of Medicaid and CHIP current and historical reimbursement methodologies. The evaluation includes analysis of current cost and payment data, program information and survey responses from children's hospital providers.

Update on the Use of Psychotropic Medications for Children in Texas Foster Care Data Report - State Fiscal Years 2002-2019

The Update provides FY 2002-2019 data on the use of psychotropic medications for children in Texas foster care based on Medicaid prescription and medical claims.

Long-Term Care Facilities Council Report - January 2021

Section 260.003 required the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission to develop and publish model standards for the operation of a boarding home facility and specifies that these standards must address elements such as construction, fire safety, sanitary conditions, reporting and investigation of injuries and incidents, staff education and assessment of residents.

State Owned Housing Report - 2020

As required by the 86th Legislature, this report contains details on fair market rental values for state-owned housing and revenues collected for rental units on the campuses of state hospitals and state supported living centers.

Final Long-Term Care Plan for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Related Conditions - (2020-2021)

Statute requires an adjusted final biennial plan on capacity following legislative action on appropriations for long-term care services for persons with an intellectual disability. 

Report on Community Integration Measures - December 2020

Presents survey data for adult and child consumer measures of community integration outcomes. The measures were selected by a stakeholder workgroup.

Transition of Day Habilitation Services - January 2021

To comply with CMS regulations governing the settings where Medicaid home and community based services can be provided, HHSC plans to transition from day habilitation services to a more integrated service called Individualized Skills and Socialization (ISS).