Reports and Presentations

Note: These files are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.

Permanency Planning and Family-based Alternatives Semi-Annual Report - July 2023

Texas Government Code, Section 531.153(a) requires permanency planning for Texas children with an intellectual or developmental disability under age 22 living in institutions. 

Mandatory Managed Care Contracts - 2023

The HHSC presentation to the House Human Services Committee is regarding Mandatory Managed Care Contracting.

2-1-1 Overview - 2023

This presentation helps to visualize and explain the function of the 211 Services and Program.

Energy, Water, and Vehicle Fuel Conservation Quarterly Report - April 2023

Per RP-49, each state agency shall develop a plan for conserving energy and shall set a percentage goal for reducing its usage of electricity, gasoline, and natural gas. 

Presentation to the House Select Committee on Health Care Reform - 2023

This presentation provides an overview of Medicaid Eligibility, end of continuous Medicaid coverage, and the agency’s outreach efforts and initiative.

Presentation to the House Committee on County Affairs: County Hospital Districts and Rural Hospitals - 2023

This presentation provides an overview of HHS funding for rural hospitals and County Hospital Districts.

Presentation to the House County Affairs Committee - 2023

This presentation is an overview of HHSC services on mental health and jail diversion.

87R HB 18 Implementation Updates to the House Insurance Committee - 2023

This presentation provides updates on HHSC’s implementation of 87(R) HB 18.

87R HB 2595 Implementation Update to the House Insurance Committee - 2023

This presentation provides updates on HHSC’s implementation of 87(R) HB 2595.

87R SB 827 Implementation Updates to the House Insurance Committee - 2023

This presentation provides updates on HHSC’s implementation of 87(R) SB 827.