Reports and Presentations
Note: These files are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.
December 3, 2024
Report on Mental Health Appropriations and Federal Matching Opportunities - 2024
Rider 43 requires HHSC to submit an annual report describing efforts by LMHAs and LBHAs to use general revenue funds appropriated for community mental health services, to the extent possible, to leverage and draw down additional federal funds through the 1115 Transformation Waiver or other federal matching opportunities.
Rider 43 requires HHSC to submit an annual report describing efforts by LMHAs and LBHAs to use general revenue funds appropriated for community mental health services, to the extent possible, to leverage and draw down additional federal funds through the 1115 Transformation Waiver or other federal matching opportunities.
December 2, 2024
Report on Mental Health First Aid Program - Fiscal Year 2024
HHSC is required to submit a report on the number of training provided in Mental Health First Aid to various described entities for fiscal year 2024.
HHSC is required to submit a report on the number of training provided in Mental Health First Aid to various described entities for fiscal year 2024.
November 19, 2024
Texas Cares Annual Program Report FY2024
Annual report highlighting program milestones and activities including evaluating implementation of patient assistance navigation, researching prescription marketplace impacts and understanding the community-based landscape of available resources in order to create a successful community outreach.
Annual report highlighting program milestones and activities including evaluating implementation of patient assistance navigation, researching prescription marketplace impacts and understanding the community-based landscape of available resources in order to create a successful community outreach.
November 18, 2024
Report on the Mental Health Program for Veterans - Fiscal Year 2024
This is a report on a program that provides peer counseling services, training, technical assistance and other mental health related services to staff, community partners, service members, veterans, and their family members.
This is a report on a program that provides peer counseling services, training, technical assistance and other mental health related services to staff, community partners, service members, veterans, and their family members.
September 19, 2024
Services for the Aging: Unit Cost for Services Report - 2024
The 28 area agencies on aging (AAAs) submit quarterly performance reports that provide data on the units and costs of each service and activity they provide.
The 28 area agencies on aging (AAAs) submit quarterly performance reports that provide data on the units and costs of each service and activity they provide.
Maternal Depression Strategic Plan - Fiscal Year 2024
As required by Section 32.046, Texas Health and Safety Code, this report contains the fiscal year 2024 update on a five-year strategic plan to improve access to maternal depression screening, referral, treatment, and support services.
As required by Section 32.046, Texas Health and Safety Code, this report contains the fiscal year 2024 update on a five-year strategic plan to improve access to maternal depression screening, referral, treatment, and support services.
September 9, 2024
September 4, 2024
Biannual Report on Initiatives to Reduce Avoidable Emergency Room Utilization and Improve Health Outcomes in Medicaid - Aug. 2024
Sixth biannual report to provide an overview of HHSC’s efforts to coordinate with providers to identify and implement initiatives designed to reduce Medicaid recipients’ use of emergency room services as a primary means of receiving health care benefits and HHSC’s efforts to encourage Medicaid providers to continue implementing effective interventions and best practices that were developed and achieved under the DSRIP program.
Sixth biannual report to provide an overview of HHSC’s efforts to coordinate with providers to identify and implement initiatives designed to reduce Medicaid recipients’ use of emergency room services as a primary means of receiving health care benefits and HHSC’s efforts to encourage Medicaid providers to continue implementing effective interventions and best practices that were developed and achieved under the DSRIP program.
June 4, 2024
Reporting of Waiting Lists for Mental Health Services - May 2024
The report gives the current waiting list and expenditure data for community health services for adults and children, forensic state hospital beds, and maximum-security forensic state hospital beds. This report covers quarters 3 and 4 of FY23 and quarters 1 and 2 of FY24.
The report gives the current waiting list and expenditure data for community health services for adults and children, forensic state hospital beds, and maximum-security forensic state hospital beds. This report covers quarters 3 and 4 of FY23 and quarters 1 and 2 of FY24.
May 13, 2024
Assisted Living Quality Study (Accessible) - 2024
The report assesses resident quality of life and care by reviewing at least 30 percent of the assisted living facilities, including those of varied license types, capacities, and geographic areas. Rider 147 called for on-site reviews of resident care and interviews with residents, facility staff, and long-term care ombudsmen, as well as an evaluation of facility policies, preventable occurrences, and adverse outcomes. *Disclaimer: This is not the original version submitted by the researchers; it has been formatted to meet HHSC's accessibility standards.
The report assesses resident quality of life and care by reviewing at least 30 percent of the assisted living facilities, including those of varied license types, capacities, and geographic areas. Rider 147 called for on-site reviews of resident care and interviews with residents, facility staff, and long-term care ombudsmen, as well as an evaluation of facility policies, preventable occurrences, and adverse outcomes. *Disclaimer: This is not the original version submitted by the researchers; it has been formatted to meet HHSC's accessibility standards.