Reports and Presentations

Note: These files are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.

Funding Impacts of the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program Transition - 2022

This report summarizes the transition of directed payment programs from the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program. It also lists five recommendations for financial stability throughout the DSRIP transition.

Texas Statewide Behavioral Health Strategic Plan - 2022-2026

The Statewide Behavioral Health Coordinating Council has developed a new five-year behavioral health strategic plan for fiscal years 2022 - 2026. This plan also includes a statewide, strategic approach to prevent and reduce justice involvement for those with behavioral health needs.

Office of the State Long-term Care Ombudsman: Ombudsman Annual Report - State Fiscal Year 2021-2022

This report is issued to inform the public of the work of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program on behalf of residents of nursing facilities and assisted living facilities.

Consolidated Reporting of Opioid Use Disorder Related Expenditures - Fiscal Year 2021

Rider 52 requires HHSC to submit a report that provides information about actual annual expenditures from the previous fiscal year for all opioid-related programs at HHSC, DFPS and DSHS.

Next Steps - A Study on State Hospital Step-Down Services - 2022

Report on the efficacy and efficiency of step-down services in diverting people from the state mental health hospital inpatient system into the community.

Report on the 9-8-8 Implementation Study - 2022

The Rider 58 Report provides information about the adequacy and efficacy of existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline infrastructure in Texas to determine state preparedness to comply with federal National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020.

Dually Eligible Individuals Enrolled in Medicaid Managed Care Supplemental Report - 2022

The supplemental report builds on the information provided in the September 2022 Dually Eligible Individuals Enrolled in Medicaid Managed Care report and provides HHSC’s findings regarding the cost-effectiveness of transitioning Medicaid-only services for dually eligible people into Medicaid managed care and requiring cost-sharing for those services, considerations of the costs associated with the operational and systematic changes needed to implement the transition and a recommendation as to whether the transition and cost-sharing should be implemented.

Joint Budget Hearing: Texas Health and Human Services Commission - 2022

The presentation covers HHSC’s Legislative Appropriations Request (LAR) for Fiscal Years 2024-2025. In includes an overview of the agency’s mission and vision, key functions, and organizational structure, as well as key budget drivers and Medicaid & CHIP caseloads. It also provides summaries of HHSC’s LAR and Exceptional Item Requests.

Coordinated Statewide Behavioral Health Expenditure Proposal - Fiscal Year 2022

This report provides information regarding $4.1 billion in behavioral health funding reported from SBHCC member agencies and institutions of higher education (including Medicaid behavioral health funding). 

Housing Choice Plan - 2022

The Housing Choice Plan is a stakeholder-led roadmap for a statewide approach for addressing gaps in housing and support services in Texas.