Reports and Presentations
Note: These files are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.
This report provides updates on the improvement process for reducing the time it takes for nursing facility providers undergoing a change of ownership to receive payment for services to Medicaid clients.
The Delivery of Health and Human Services to Young Texans report outlines services for children under six years of age, a critical time of early development which impacts children’s long-term outcomes. This biennial report updates the 2020 edition, as required by Government Code, Section 531.02492(b).
This third biennial submission of the Pediatric Tele-Connectivity Resource Program for Rural Texas (Pedi Tele-Conn Program) report includes updated and new information (since the December 2020 report) on grants awarded to nonurban healthcare facilities to implement telemedicine services that connect these facilities to pediatric specialists and pediatric subspecialists who provide telemedicine services.
The 2022 Alternatives to Abortion Report includes: an introduction to the HHSC A2A program, the total number of A2A providers, total number of unduplicated clients served by each provider, a description of A2A outreach efforts by providers and HHSC, total expenditures by method of financing, total contract amounts by provider, and outcome measures included in contracts with providers.
The Report on Suicide and Suicide Prevention in Texas was prepared by the Statewide Behavioral Health Coordinating Council and is submitted in compliance with the 2022-23 General Appropriations Act, S.B. 1, 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021 (Article IX, HHSC, Section 10.04 (f)).
HHSC shall submit a report to the Governor's Office and the Legislative Budget Board on the program that includes the total population served and client outcome measures.
Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee Recommendations to the 88th legislature.
This report is required biennially to discuss the effects of telemedicine, telehealth and home telemonitoring services on the Texas Medicaid program including number of providers using these services, geographic disposition of these providers, the number of patients treated, the types of services provided, and the cost of utilization.
The report details the current Independent Living Services model, limitations of the model, and recommendations to improve the current model in the future.
This report reviews the Medicare End-Stage Renal Disease Treatment Choices model, value-based purchasing models for dialysis services and innovative models of delivering services to persons with renal disease, alternatives to providing dialysis to persons under emergency Medicaid, and how other states have been able to modify implementation of their Medicaid program to increase options in providing dialysis.