Reports and Presentations

Note: These files are in PDF format unless otherwise noted.

Report of the Ombudsman for Children and Youth in Foster Care - Fiscal Year 2021

The report presents the work of the Ombudsman for Children and Youth in Foster Care for FY2021.

Report on the Jail-Based Competency Restoration Pilot Program - 2021

Article 46B.090(n) requires HHSC’s executive commissioner to submit a report concerning the jail-based competency restoration pilot program, including information collected and an evaluation of the outcome of the program.

Medically Dependent Children Program Monitoring Report - September 2021

Medically Dependent Children Program Monitoring Report is a legislatively required report containing, for the most recent state fiscal quarter, information and data related to access to care for Medicaid recipients receiving benefits under the Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP) waiver program.

Maternal Depression Strategic Plan - Fiscal Year 2021

In August 2020, HHSC and DSHS released the Postpartum Depression Strategic Plan, required by Section 32.046, Texas Health and Safety Code. This update reviews activities completed in fiscal year 2021 and future activities.

Update on the Use of Psychotropic Medications for Children in Texas Foster Care Data Report - State Fiscal Years 2002-2019

The Update provides FY 2002-2019 data on the use of psychotropic medications for children in Texas foster care based on Medicaid prescription and medical claims.

State Efforts to Address Maternal Mortality and Morbidity in Texas - 2020

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the Texas Health and Human Services system’s strategies, programs, and initiatives to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.